3. I remember

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I have to admit, when I saw you for the first time, I wasn't blown away or something crazy like that. It wasn't 'love at first sight'. I believed in love at first sight, but we didn't had that 'spark' in a second. Maybe we should've got to know eachother faster, but we shouldn't have been rushed. It took us years.
Like every typical story, we were young. This is a story about a boy and a girl. I was just a freshman that didn't know what to do. Maybe one thing what was different about us was that I wasn't a total slut like the most girls on my school, or the 'cute nerd' that turned out to be gorgeous when she took her glasses off and sprayed some hairspray in her hair. You weren't the sport guy, the cool guy, the bad guy or the nerd. You were the sweet, handsome boy who was around 6'3". Pretty tall if you'd ask me. I may have been the weird kid, but I was nice to people. I would never get angry or get in trouble. My grades were pretty good.
Now i'm thinking about you, right here, I realize something. How could I know what your favorite color when I knew so little about you? I guess i've never know somebody to the fullest, although I don't think that is possible. I thought it was possible, but I made a mistake. People are and will always be unpredictable.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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