A New Life (Chap. 13) (a witch love story)

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~~~Katheren's P.O.V.~~~

I felt bad for yelling (well whisper-yelling) at Daren, but I truly hated dances. The only time that I had ever enjoyed it was when I used to dance with my dad. My friends had always made me go to dances with them but it was never the same; with them it was torture, with him it was...different, exciting. I had promised to never dance again after my dad had died. Now I knew that Daren was going to ask me to, how could I tell him that?

I couldn't.

I could feel the tears coming- from thinking of my dad- so I decided a shower would be helpful. I went quick, knowing that Daren was waiting, or at least tried to go fast. I dried my hair and attempted to it; I thought it turned out well.

I put on makeup next. I started with dark brown eyeliner, then a silvery-green eye shadow, and a thick layer of mascara. Lastly, I decided to add a little blush.

I padded into my room barefoot and still wrapped in my towel. I need something amazing to wear, I thought as I entered my closet. I cursed.

I had nothing to wear! At least not for a date. Damn!

Then I noticed a something shiny in the corner. It was a present from my grandparents that I had never bothered to open. Well, might as well. It was a square box wrapped in that silvery-rainbow wrapping paper with an electric blue bow on it.

The bow made me think of Daren's eyes... Crap! He was still waiting for me. I ran to it, slid the bow carefully off, and ripped the paper. I almost shrieked, it was perfect.

Well, not exactly perfect, but way better than anything else I had. The dress was a light beige color that went down just past my knees and across the middle was a dark brown bow. There were also a few ruffles on the bottom. I slipped it over my head and put on a pair of ballet flats.

Getting ready had only taken me about ten minutes. When I left my room, Daren wasn't where I'd thought he'd be. Did he leave?

I froze at the top of the stairs. All of a sudden I felt sick, he le-

My mental freak-out broke off when I heard a noise from upstairs.

~~~Daren's P.O.V.~~~

It had taken me a few minutes but I had finally figured out where to go. I waited a little longer, but Katheren still wasn't ready and the floor was really starting to get uncomfortable.

I got up and headed back down the stairs and into Kates' living room. There was a small bookcase- honestly, how many books did they have? Thousands? - and started to browse through them. One looked interesting, so I picked it up and read the back.

I stopped when I heard foot steps upstairs. I looked up... and the book fell though my fingers.

~~~Katheren's P.O.V.~~~

My head whipped around towards the noise and saw Daren was staring at me.

His eyes were practically bulging out of his head and there was a book at his feet. He blinked, ran his hand through his golden hair, and picked up the book- without taking his eyes off of me.

I was standing next to him in the next moment, his eyes were still wide. I tried not to smirk. "Where are we going?" I asked him pleasantly.

"You'll see," he nearly stuttered. I took his hand and lead him to his car; he didn't seem too inclined to move.

Then I realized something and laughed. "What?" he asked utterly confused.

"This is like the opposite of this morning; then you were dragging me to your car, now I am directing you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2009 ⏰

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