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I've tried everything to go back to sleep but its impossible. Might as well just stay up.

'Might as well just watch YouTube videos'

I grab my phone and search up Me and my broken heart covers. I want to see how good the people singing it can do.

-1 1/2 hours later-

After I was done watching the Last cover I got tired. And well It's 6:30a.m and I need to wake up at 7..... Well I'm screwed. I should've gone to sleep once I hit my bed but nooo, I decided to stay up. Oh well, there's nothing I can do anymore.

"All I need is a little love in my life.." To make time go faster, I just started to sing The song, But I made sure not to be loud.

"You're up already?" Oli says walking in to my room. I just nod and get out of bed.

"I don't feel like going to school." I say making oliver raise One eyebrow.

"Why? You never miss a school day." He asks and I just shrug making him roll his eyes.

"I'm just really tired...I need sleep." I say as I pick out my clothes for the day.

"You should've gone to bed early. Maybe mom or dad should take your phone away at night." Oliver says and leaves my room. I just sigh and get dressed.

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