Chapter one

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Super heroes, fangirl crap right?

Well yeah, but I have to say some of those idiots do look good in spandex. Of course I am talking about Superman, no real hero I know looks that good, and trust me I would know! My name is Sylvia, and I just so happen to work for a few superheroes.

They are not as fabulous as everyone makes them out to be.

For instance when Madam Justice gets her nail broken, trust me you do not want to see her temper tantrum.

But anyways I am getting ahead of myself, I live in the year 2145 and here the world's Central Government has released a serum that makes "Supersoldiers" cliche I know, anyways long story short there was a huge war and the special formula was leaked and now we have Idiots trying to be cool.

What the public sees of these heroes are the noble honorable men and women who save the world.

What I see, a bunch pansies wearing too tight of clothes, and getting hurt often.

Let me explain I am a nurse, well sort of I work in the super special hospital known as the Snow Tiger.

Everyone there knows everyone's secret Identity because they are all older super freaks, except me I am a special person who works with those few supers who don't have super healing.

Yes that's right I am their rehab consultant, I help them to gain control over their powers when they lose it and so on. How I was chosen to be the rehab consultant is unknown, but I do know that I am good at what I do, of course I am talking about when the supers get impatient and throw stuff. I live in the city of Seattle and here the lakes and rivers have been infected with the the yellow poison that is the serum, and everyone knows when the fog comes to stay indoors.

Anyways here in Seattle in the little building on the side of the road is where you find me, and Madam Justice also known as Elisabeth.

"Beth, hey!" That last part was because I had to duck when she threw something at me. "Elisabeth! I told you to be patient this will take at least a day!"

"I don't care! I am tired of being here!" She picked up a book that was on my desk and held it above her head.

"Oi! Put the book down!" I heard myself growl, she had been throwing things for two hours. "I told you it would take a day, but when you throw a fit it takes longer!" I watched as the realization hit, and she put the book down.

"Fine Sylvia," She turned at sat on my table.

Good job Sylvia! The voice of Captain Karma rang in my head, Captain Karma was injected with the serum when he was younger however now he was the head doctor at Snow Tiger.

No thanks to you! I snap and walk over to Madam justice, "now Beth close your eyes and breath."

"Sylvia we have already done this!"

Of course she complains, why wouldn't she. "Elisabeth, technically you breath all the time." At that I got her to laugh, then she started to do as I said, and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Good grief! I told her that her therapy would take a day, I hadn't expected that it would actually take only a mere day. She got her telekinesis and most of her speed back, unfortunately that alone took long enough for the sun to set. "Great another night at the office."

"I could take you home," That voice, the voice of Sir Stud official hero of Seattle. And yes his superhero name is Sir Stud.

I turn around, and sure enough he is there laying on my couch his muscles were very prominent under his tight tights. "I think I can just stay here tonight."

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