Chapter two

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"How long was she under?" That voice, Andreas?

"I don't know I only wish I could have gotten to her sooner, Mickeal is going to kill me." Artes, he sounded worried, and strained.

"Sylvia, Sylvia can you hear me?" My eyes opened but all I could see was the yellow of the river, and my ears were ringing. Needles prodded under my skin, or it felt like needles and pins were about to burst through to the surface.

"Doctor, An..." My mouth couldn't form the words.

"She is alive but her pulse is unstable."

"Oh my dear what happened to you?" Tarrel I could see shapes of the people around me, then I faintly heard Mickeal's voice thundering towards us.

"Micky..." Then everything went dark once again.

A long thin face with sharp cheekbones, pointed nose his grim voice echoing through the mist, and his eyes. The eyes holding me captive, eyes as red as the crimson sunset, but the sunset doesn't seek death as the eyes do.

The stench of rot and poison filled my lungs.

"Sylvia? Hey Sylvia, hey, she's waking up!" That voice, no that couldn't be right she went home to Idaho, Elisabeth?

"Beth?" Light flooded into my opening eyes and sure enough the Madam of Justice of hovering over me.

"That's right sweetie, I'm here."

Soon the heroes I look after were surrounding me, including JarJunks and Artes. All fifteen heroes who know me. "What happened?" a headache pulsing through my skull, a hand came up and felt my forehead.

"She still has a fever!" Elisabeth yelled.

"Everyone out I need to tend to her!" Andreas, had pushed through the people and was plugging stuff in.

"Doctor Andreas, what am I doing in Snow Tiger?" Geez this is pathetic my voice, barely a whisper.

"That's because you are our hero," JarJunks said proudly he may be a minor superfreak but his heart shines like a star, the other heroes nodded as they left, Artes stayed.

"Why is he out of bed?"

"He felt your despair, as heroes do, and he ran out of bed to find you." 

Artes's head was leaning on the back of the seat he was sitting in, asleep I spotted a necklace around his tanned neck. It had an ancient symbol etched into silver.

"He should be in bed, not here."

"Sylvia, do you remember what happened?"

With that dreaded question the face with the eyes full of death came back to me, "that man, the man that had been following me." All at once the cold touch of the poisoned water came back I couldn't breath and my eyes stung. "Where's Mickeal? Is my brother here?" That came out of nowhere.

"Yes Sir Stud is here, he has been waiting here all night I told him to get some food he will be back."

"Andreas, I fell in the-" Did I mention Dr. Andreas was Doctor Karma's best friend and business partner? No? Oh well there's the truth.

"I know Artes told me, do you know how long you were under?" I shook my head. "Well it had to have been more than a minute, maybe even three."

"Three minutes?" How am I not dead? "That's impossible, I wouldn't have been alive that long."

Andreas's hands stilled, "not if someone wanted you to live." Andreas sat in the chair next to the bed, "Mickeal said something to me about these letters you've been receiving."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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