One of the boys comforts you:

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Nathan: "Whatever, Im done. Im sick of all the jealousy and the fighting, and most of all... you, Its not worth it. And Im done." Nathan said as he flung his hands in the air and left. Nathan and You never fight, this was the first time you've ever seen him like this, and what he just said hurt you pretty bad. The boys came over after you all went to club, and before you got home, you saw Nathan with some girls at the club all on eachother, and it turn into what just happened. The boys were in the living room, awkwardly as you guys were screaming at eachother. "You okay mate?" Jay asked as he walked out. No words were said except for Im leaving and walked out the door with car keys and his wallet. As Jay walked up, and went into the room and saw you crying. He had no words but just came over and hugged you. You layed there in his arms as he told you " Everything will be okay, Nathans like this, Hes just blowing off steam and he'll be back. Its alright, I know him better than anyone else." You looked at him and thanked him. Once your tears were dry, you and Jay talked about the situation and Nathan till Nathan was ready to come back and talk it out.

Jay: It was the night of a big party, The Wanted was having at there new LA house for there show. You were getting ready and so was everyone else. You put on your tight black dress, and red heels and got down stairs. You and Jay were holding hands as everyone arrived. You were a little underage, so there was going to be no drinking for you. So as everyone got drinks, people were asking him to come and take shots and drink but he just looked at you and stood there. You could tell he wanted to party, and you didnt want to hold him back. "Go babe." you said as you pointed. "But I dont want to leave you here." he said. "You dont have to babysit me, Jay. Im not five." you said as you began to walk off upstairs. You hopped in bed, and just layed there thinking. You felt like the boys always had to take care you as if you were a baby. You hated it, they couldnt just treat you normal, just cause of your age. As you layed there, you heard a knock on the door. The door cracked open and what you thought was Jay, was Nathan. "Hey there." he said as he came in. "I thought you were Jay!" you told him as you leaned up. "Yeah, I saw that whole situation." he said as he sat on the bed. "Yeah, Im just tired of them treating me like a baby." you said. "I know, I feel the same way... Atleast I have you. Plus, you get used to it... they only do it cause they care about you and dont want you to feel left out." he said. "Thanks Nate." you said as you hugged him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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