Where I Am I?

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Seth's POV

     Man my head is killing me, and I can't seem to keep the room to hold still. Once it was done moving I notice I am not in my own bed and someone is laying by my side. I turn slowly to see who it is and see it's the blond girl from last night and she is pressed up against me in her sleep. Her hair falling out of her braid, her head resting on my arm. God I am afraid to move, I don't want to wake her yet I want an answer of how I go here. I can't remember anything besides that she said she wanted to help me get Angela. Yet here I am in her bed, at least I am fully clothed or there would be many problems. Major problems, what time is it anyways? 10 a.m god my mother is going to throw a fit about me being way late to getting home.

" Mmmmm, quite freakin', I called your parents last night saying you decided to stay at some friends house." came her voice as she looked up at me tiredly.\

" Shit how long have you been awake!" I exclaimed about to jump up but she had already rolled off of me.

" Only long enough to know that you were freaking out about being in my bed." she said stretching.

    That's when I noticed she is only wearing a thing night gown, and wasn't wearing what she was last night. If you can even call it a night gown more like a mans dress shirt that makes it to mid thigh of her long legs. I look away not wanting to get caught staring at her legs.

" Umm, do you know how I got here?" I ask shaking my head and getting off the bed also.

" Yeah you reeked of beer and I thought you wouldn't want to go home smelling so strongly of beer. So I drove you here, and let you sleep in my bed. It was sorta like a sleep over for me. I even did your make up when you were sleeping." she said with a tired smile.

     I jump and run to the nearest mirror to see that she was lying. But by now she was laughing hard and holding her sides.

" Wow that actually made you run to a mirror, well now that we got a skip in your walk. Lets get you a different change of clothes. Then we will go out for brackfast." she said grabing a hamper that had a lot of men clothes in them. She threw me a black short sleeved shirt and jeans and a belt just in case the pants were to big.

   I go to her bathroom and took a shower then changed into the clothes she gave me to change into. I had to use the belt, it wasn't that much of difference of a pants size but big enough for me to have to wear the belt. The shirt hugged my chest and arms showing off my muscles and how hard my chest look. I shake out my hair and walk out of the bathroom to catch the site of the girl sliding a dress on. I got a view of her skin and underwear, I hurry and close the door. My god I was right when I saw her last night. She is a blond goddess, what is she going to do to me.

Whitney's POV

   I take a deep breathe and slide my some what tight white dress. Then brush my messy bed hair, then I slip on my high heel sandals. Then I put on some pink lip gloss then touch it a few times with a tissue so it wouldn't be to dark or wet looking. I turn to see Seth watching me with untrusting eyes. Hell, I was telling the truth of him reeking a beer earlier. Well except about the part of me decideding to take him home. After saying I would help him he got really drunk and was dunked in beer. So he begged me to let him stay at my house so he wouldn't go home smelling of beer. So I took him home and dragged his ass up stairs. He collapsed into the bed and fell asleep. So I changed into my bedtime shirt and layed next to him. Though sometime during that night his arm ended up under my head. And my hand rested on his chest. God his ches was heavenly, but alas not a fling canadit. He already has his heart stolen by the girl who gets alot of sun to have that type of perfect tan.

" Come on player lets get some brackfast." I say grabing his arm draggin' him down stairs and forced him to sit down.

   Hmm, what to make what to make. Nothing major I am not a very good cook which will be his first lesson about women. Pancakes and eggs it is, man I feel sorry for this boy I should probably warn him . . . nah he'll find out in moments time.

                                                   . . . 20 minutes later . . .

" I can't believe you nearly cuaght your house on fire for a stupid lesson. And the pancakes are as hard as rocks." Seth said staring down at the mess I had made.

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