Cɦaքtɛʀ 3:A complete disaster

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A complete disaster

(ռaʀʀatօʀ's P.O.V)

"are you always like this ?" a student asked me

"what ? this fabulous ?" I asked smiling

"no....annoying..." the student said

I frowned

"well you are the annoying one"

"no you are"

"lol...you be jealous"

I walked a way from the complete weirdo who seemed to be staring at me

"lol jhana help..."

"whut why ?" she asked

a weirdo exploded

"this girl who seems to be my age said I was annoying..."

"she be jealous"

"that's what I just said to her!"

"then its all done"

ok... ?

we were walking back to the classroom and it was a zoo inside like literally!...the boys were singing like dying cows and the girls were playing catch! the floors were full of biscuit wrappers and notebooks

me and jhana went to our seats..we aren't really that far away from each other anyway the door slammed open and we saw Teacher Arnie our strict teacher she was funny too but not this time...


everyone was queit and they ran back to their seats

"look at your classroom don't you care about this place? do you want to work in a filthy place?"

I facepalmed and stared at the others

they felt guilty...they always do

"For Those Who were playing Clean The CLASSROOM NOW."

me and jhana shared a look and we giggled

when teacher left Chauncey randomly said


"oi be quiet!" mark said

"lol you too" JJ said back

"Dayum!" Charle and Aaron said at the same time and they laughed

"BE QUIET OYE!" James ,our class president screamed

everyone was quiet and I was whisper talking with ramilyn...she didn't play with the others earlier

"shaeni and ramilyn shush!" James said

"oi we are only whispering" I said


mhegan and jhana were whisper talking too and so is nakeisha and nailanie

too bad hannah had to clean...well she did play..

I saw mitsue sitting down and relaxing...

"James wait ok..." I whispered



"oi mitsue why aren't you cleaning?" I asked

"yeah!" Aritha said

aritha didn't really like mitsue

"Im tired"

"oh wow you weren't tired when you were playing" I said with sarcasm

"whatever" she replied rolling her eyes

Everyone was done and teacher arnie came back with great timing..

"nice work...but for those who did not help stand up" teacher Arnie said

mitsue didn't stand instead she was combing her hair

"mitsue stand!" everyone said

mitsue stood up ashamed

"dont sit down till I come back" teacher Arnie said

that's a shame


I play growtopia



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