Are you here? Am I here?! (PLEASE DONT SKIP)

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Where is everyone? I'm getting less reads than before! Only six people didn't bother to see the last chapter... That makes me really heart broken... I would usually get more like 16... And the reason I've been outside of the real world (offline) is because my ipod wouldn't charge for 5 days... But back to me being heartbroken. Are you guys ignoring me or something? Deleting this book out of your library? What have I done to you?! I'm loosing you guys. And if you think I'm being crazy over reacting about my readers, than you should think about other peoples' feelings. And if this has happened to you, then you know how I feel... So, if your kind enough, if you have a friend that doesn't have this book, it would be kind if you recommend or share this book to them... Or share this book in your book... I don't care how you do it. And to make things worse for me, my life has not been fun... So I need one good thing to happen... Only 2 good things has happened... One, I just got a Xbox one, 2 I got 3 wizard101 cards if you know what those are...(pic)

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