Chapter 4

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I walked back to the tent. Nobody was there. Then, I realized that Zigzag was following me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. Mr. Pendanski approached us and told me the warden wanted to see me. He said Zigzag could come.

The door to the warden's office groaned as I opened it. She was sitting inside, her legs up on the table. Inside, it was extremely air-conditioned. "Hello, Sly." she said.

How does she know my name? "H-hello." I replied, nervously sitting down. Zigzag did the same.

"I see you've brought Zigzag." she said. "N-no, I just wanted him to.. umm, come."

"Ziggy, my dear boy, would you kindly bring me that little brass case in my bureau over there with my nail polish in it?" she asked him. He did as he was told, and came back with a small, rectangular brass case. She took out one of the nail polishes.

It was dark purple. "See this, Sly? This is my special nail polish. See the shine? Can't buy that in the store. You have to make it yourself. Would you like to know my secret ingredient?" she paused. I nodded. "Rattlesnake venom. I just love what it does to the colour. It's perfectly harmless.." she paused and stroked Zigzag's face, causing his head to turn slowly. "When its dry."

"So, I heard you and Zigzag kissed, huh?" she said, a menacing smile slowly forming on her face.

"I'll tell you what. This is my camp, not yours. And would ya like to know how I run it? Well, it's quite easy, actually. You keep em all in line with punishment and reward." she stood up and ran her hand down my arm. "I don't allow kissing in my camp." she said. She slapped Zigzag as hard as she could, and he fell to the ground. My eyes went as wild as Zigzag's hair. I fell to the floor, wrapping my arms around him. He was writhing in pain.

"NO!" I yelled. He was crying like I've never seen him before. Then, he stopped. He went very pale and he stopped wiggling and crying. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was he dead? I looked at the Warden, then at Zigzag.

I made a feeble attempt to drag him to the tent, but had to stop several times. Caveman saw and got the rest of D-Tent to come and help drag him back. Finally, we all got him onto his cot and he lay there. I laid down and rested my head on his shoulder.

Tears started to drip down my face. I would have gotten help, but at this point there was nothing I could do but wait for him to hopefully wake up. "It's going to be alright." Squid said, touching his hand to my shoulder. I didn't try to push him away or anything, I knew he was just trying to be supportive.

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