On the radio

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Giselle got into Liz's car to find Mads, Bridgett and Kasey in the back seat, a huge grin was on Mads face. To be honest it was kind of frightning to see her like that.She put her things on the car floor infront of her seat.

"SO?" said Kasey questioningly

"Tell us already! Shes in the car!"said Bridgett

"Wait, what is going on?" Elle asked more confused than usual.

"Mads won't tell us why she's smiling so creepily." said Liz. We all stared at Mads when she bursted out in laughter and squels.

Kasey covered her ears while Liz and Elle sat in total shock. You see Maddie Bacon is the most calm person in the universe. The girls all agreed that if the world was ending Mads would just sit and do yoga to klens her karma or something. " I won One Direction Tickets!!!!"she exclamed with absolute glee.

The other girls felt this sink into thier brains for a moment. Suddenly the car eruppted with squels of joy and disbelif.

"No way!!!" Shouted Liz

"That is awesome!" exclaimed Kasey while tugging Mads arm. The girls were huge fans of One Direction. Their song What makes you Beautiful had become thier friend anthem.

"The best Part is, I got enough tickets for all of us!" She told them, screaming into Kasey's ear again.

Letting her words slip into their brains again the girls squelled louder than before and hugged each other in Liz's small toyota. That was when Kasey saw the time on the car dashboard.

"Oh my god! We're going to be late for first period!" she said pointing at the clock.

"Don't worry!" Exclaimed Liz in a super hero voice, "Everyone buckle up we have an english Final to go to!"

Everyone buckled and Liz sped off to school.


A little later in the afternoon


Elle's day went from fantastic to terrible with in 2 minutes of reaching school. She did great on the first part of her English final. It was just that she felt out of place with Bandon on the other side of the room and not sitting next to her. Liz moved next to her to glare at Bandon through half of class. When ever he looked up he would simply see Liz's hate filled glares and Giselles concentrated face on her test. Liz was so smart she finished her exam in the first hour.

Brandon felt really bad about what had happened. He still loved Elle like crazy but he didn't want Kayla to tell the whole school he was a cheater.

Elle slipped one look at Brandon which was the worst thing for her to do cause as soon as she looked up he looked away. Elle wanted to burst into tears and scream ' Why Brandon! Why did you break up with me! Is it because i wanted to take things slow! I'm sorry, please take me back!'

Elle shook her self for thinking such a thing. How dare HE, she was a good girlfriend she made him dinner and packed him lunches occassionally. She held his hand and kissed him, made out with him, sure she never let anything go farther than that but it wasn't like she was a nun.

Elle was extremly overwhelmed with thoughts but knew almost all of the answers to the exam. Every now and again her dislexia would get in her way but liveing with it wasn't as bad as it seemed to other kids. Elle just had to go a little slower. Elle was the second to last person to finish her exam.

Lunch was't so bad she sat with Liz, Mads, Kasey and Bridgett. Elle looked over at the other table to see Brandon sitting at his old table again with Kayla all over him. Extreme anger overwhelmed Elle but she knew she couldn't do anything because they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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