Chapter three

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Chapter 3

*Leo's POV *

I dont know what i had been thinking when i asked Annabelle to Prom , i should have known better, i should have known she was going to say no .

" Leo wait! " she said

I stopped , and turned around to face her , she was so pretty i had never felt this way for any other girl , and i had seen her around school but until now i got to talk to her . Who would have thought the popular nerd guy was going to fall for her .

" what ? I understand if you dont want to come to Prom with me .. " i said dissapointed , i heard gasp and i rememered we were in the cafeteria , great now everyone was going to know i got rejected.

" no, i mean yes , can we talk outside please ? " i saw hurt in her eyes when she said this .

" okay " that was my simple answer . We walked outside the cafeteria.

" okay look listen , i was so shocked you had asked me to Prom that i was speechless , i didnt know what to say , but you took it the wrong way . " she tried to explained .

" oh i understand now , so Annabelle , would you go to Prom with me ? it will be an honor . " i said , and i smiled , i couldnt help it.

" yes , i would go to Prom with you " she said as she smiled . Wow her smile was so pretty , and it was beautiful . I then looked into her eyes , as she looked into mines. I leaned in closer , i dropped my gaze to her lips and back to her eyes .

" ...-i should get going .. " she said as she walked away .

Darn, so close . But what exactly was i feeling ?

I walked inside the cafeteria , gaining whispers and stares , oh well . I walked toward the table were only the popular guys hanged out.

" whats up man ? " said Brent while giving me a hand shake .

" hi Brent ..." I said , i was dissapointed , i guess Brent noticed because he said ,

" hey dude , whats wrong man , you know you can tell me anything, hey by the way who was that pretty girl you were talking to ? " he winked at me

" that pretty girl is Annabelle , and i asked her to Prom "

" awesome dude , what did she say ? I saw you guys kind of argued "

" misundertanding , but its fixed, and she said yes , no one can resist my cuteness , " i said as i smirked .

" got that right , hey dude have you seen Logan ? " Brent asked .

" No i havent , he probably wondering around with some girls, you know Logan " i said , that made Brent and the others laugh , i found myself laughing as well .

I wonder where Annabelle sits , i scanned the cafeteria in search of her , but i didnt find her . And thats when it hit me . Annabelle had two other friends , maybe Brent and Logan will be interested. Ill have to talk to Annabelle later .

* Hazel's POV *

" Oh my god ! No way !! He asked you to Prom !!!! " i felt like screaming , i was so happy for Annabelle .

" yes he did , and ... We almost kissed !! " she said , ive never seen her this happy before .

" what !! Oh my god ! You are so lucky ! Hey Hazel , maybe Annabelle can hook us up with Brent and Logan. " Now i liked the way Addison was thinking .

" Well ill tell Leo about it , but im sure they will , oh my god !! Our dreams are coming true !! " Annabelle so excited she could barely even talk .

" finally, Brent will notice me " i sighned as i added "... You know what why dont you talk to him , next class , i mean you and Leo both have Math next so why wait ! " i sounded desperate .

The bell rang , indicating for next class .

" aww , well ill see you guys afterschool " Addison said while leaving

i smiled at her as i said " alright "

" well bye Annabelle " i said as i gave her a hug , a tight one , " im so happy for you , by the way we have to go shopping for Prom ! , see ya afterschool "

And we both walked different ways .

Now where had i left my schedule paper. I was looking down inside my backpack while walking wen i bumped into someone so hard that i fell .

" ouch . " i whined

" are you alright ? " i heard someone say

" yeah yeah im fine , sorry " i apologized as i was still looking for my schedule

"No its fine , but next timw watch were your going "

What were they talking about !? First they apologize and then they start getting an attitude .

As i looked up i said " you know what , it isnt my fault your so big that your covering the whole hallway ! "

Right after those words left my mouth , i had wished they hadnt .

Mouth wide open was Brent , my crush the cute popular guy .

" well , you seem to be very sassy." He said

Oh thats it ! I may like him but no one calls me anything. !

" Look Brent , i dont care if you are the most popular guy in school , just move out of my way , you think that because your popular you get to treat me or anyone else any other way ? Well no , okay " and i started walking away when i heard him whisper

" damn , that is one awesome girl "

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