Finn's Plan

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A/N: hey guys... So I've been seeing a lot of stuff on some of my friends stories with people just being rude and negative towards their books. I just want to say that please do not be one of those people. There's no reason to act like a douche bag and poke fun at their ideas. Some people don't understand how much they're hurting that persons confidence of writing when they post stupid ass comments. And what I've noticed is that the people doing that don't even write books and they have the nerve to criticize those who do, as if they know how hard writing can be sometimes. Don't make fun of a persons writing style or how they choose to portray their characters cuz after all it's their story not yours and if you don't like it then you can just stop reading it. Anyways, I know I never rant about this stuff but it's really tiring to see. So yeah, enjoy this ch.
After the doors automatically opened, Dean and AJ met in the middle of the hall like always. A couple nurses and guards had become suspicious of the 2, so to throw them off guard they went in opposite directions. AJ walked to the opposite side of the building while Dean walked to the area where Finn was locked up.

Dean pretended to walk back and forth, mumbling things so the nurses would think he was being his usual crazy self. The camera in the corner of the hall only recorded what Dean was doing but it didn't pick up any sound.

"I hope you've thought of a plan, Bálor." Dean whispered under his breath, still pacing back and forth.

"Sit down and put your back up against the wall." Finn instructed quietly, to where only Dean could hear him.

Dean did what he was told. He felt something slide under his left palm that was resting on the cold, white tiled floor. He didn't look down because it would be obvious that Finn gave him something. "What is it?"

"I made 4 maps of the asylum last night. One for you and the other 3 are for AJ, Dana, and Brie." he informed, "Here's what I need you to do."
-AJ's POV-

I was walking into the room where the TV's and board games were to meet Brie/Nikki there. I was halfway there until I heard footsteps behind me. It felt like I was in a horror movie because the lights above me in the narrow hallway were flickering and the footsteps got faster.

I started to speed up then began jogging which turned into running. A door swung open and I hit the ground. After that, everything went black.
Dean showed up in the area that AJ was supposed to meet Brie/Nikki and Dana, if she actually bothered to show up. When he arrived at their table he noticed that the 2 women were there but not AJ.

"Where is she?" Dean asked.

"I don't know." Brie answered showing a bit of concern.

"I walked around the building but I couldn't find her." Dana told him.

Dean took a second to think where AJ could have gone. That's when he snapped to it. "Fuck..."
-AJ's POV-

My heavy eyelids lifted to expose my watery eyes. My head was pounding because of that door that swung open and hit me. I felt blood dripping down my forehead and raised my hand to wipe it off. My hand stopped slightly above my hip. When I tried to move my hand up, it was dropped by steal shackles. I looked down and saw how I was strapped to some operation table. Immediately, I started to panic.

I was pretty good with getting out of handcuffs but these chains were on so tight that they started to cut off my circulation.

I grunted trying to pull my hands out but it was no use. I was stuck.

A few foot steps became audible. I tried looking behind me because that's where the sound was coming from. I saw fiery red hair and knew who it was. Her name was Eva Marie. One of the nurses that worked here in the asylum.

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