High School Reunion Part 5

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Jesses POV
after Jin was done telling Adam what we were going to do we drove back to the reunion. When we were getting out of the car and I realized that I forgot my jacket at the hospital. I was freezing cold.

Jin's POV
We got out of the car and we all ran into the reunion. I stopped before I got in because I didn't see Jess. I turned around and saw Jess shivering. "Jess, are you alright?" I asked her. "Y-y-yea I'm f-f-fine." She said shivering like crazy. I looked at my jacket and took it off. I placed it around Jess. "N-n-no j-j-Jin I t-t-told you I'm f-f-fine. It's gonna b-b-be w-w-warm in the s-s-school anyw-w-way." Jess said. I she handed my jacket back. I refused and put it around her. "T-t-thanks" she said. When we walked in we couldn't find Barney and Ross. "How about we split up and we'll meet back here." Jess said. I nodded and went to go look for Barney and Ross. There were so many people and it was so crowded. I saw a figure in a dark corner. I slowly walked trowds it. "Hello" a deep voice said. "Who are you?" I replied. The figure walked up to me. It had a bag. I know where this is going before he could rap my up I ran as fast as I could. An other guy came with a bag in front of me. This kept going on until they had my in a corner. "HELP!" I screamed. Before I could say help again the guy who tried to get my first threw something in my mouth. I started choking like crazy. "This is the end" I thought.

Jesses POV
I searched everywhere but there were no where to be seen so I called them. They both didn't awnser. At this point I started to get scared. So I went back to the door and waited for Jin. I waited for 25 minutes and he wasn't there. I called him and he didn't awnser. The reunion is almost over. I know I'll go look Katelyn and Kawii Chan. (Yes I changed it. I still have to edit the other chapters which I will...soon) I forget that one of my heels were still broken so I took then off and ran to find them.

Sorry this is a short chapter but hey 2 chapters in one day that's an accomplishment. I may do one more, I don't know. Anyway my Ipad is low on battery and I need to up date possessed (another fan fic).

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