Chapter 7 Meeting His Parents

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As we walked down a long hallway I actually studied Drake apereence. I already saw he's beautiful green eyes. I wanted to fully see the rest of him. He was about six foot, had spiky raven black hair and he had a well built. Yep! He's very sexy!

When we entered the dinning room I felt like I was Cinderella at the ball! Thus room was huge and fancy! My mouth dropped open! Drake laughed asked" Do you like it?" I looked at him" it amazing!" I replied. He laughed again as some kids ran right by us. Drake huffed.

I guess these were his siblings.

There was a boy who was about 12 years old he had raven hair like Drake, wore a tux that was the same as drakes and, also had emerald green eyes. To the boys left was a girl who was about 5 or 6 years old. She gad dirty blonde hair, wore a bright ruffled yellow drees and royal blue eyes. They both were really cute that I let out a smile.

" That is Sam and Ramona." Explained Drake."there really cute!" I laughed "Well they won't be cute for long!" Mumbled Drake and he was right.

Ramona and Sam were stopped by there mother and the two kids were complaining to her as she told them to sit down.

I'm guessing that she's Drake's mother. She ordered the children to sit down she looked up to see me and Drake. She smiled and walked twaord us.

She was a small women and looked about 30. She wore a short sleeved red dress that ended at her knees, dirty blond hair like Ramona's, with Romona' s same royal blue eyes.

When she approached she reached iut her hand" Hi! You must be Chloe! I'm Drake's mother Mary." She greeted as I shook her hand. Then a man in a black tux cane up to us. I'm guessing he was Drake's dad because he looked exactly like him!

I could feel Drake pull me back as as his dad came nearer." So this is Chole! I'm Drake's father Mike." He put out his hand I almost went to shake it as Drake swung me back and shouted" Mine!" His parents backed up with scares faces. I guess when an Alpha yells even his parents are supposed to obey!

Mary looked around not knowing what to say. I could see the children behind them as they looked at their brother in fear.

Mary then looked back at us with a weak smile saying "how about we eat!" She pointed to the table which was filled with food! My stomach grumbled. I have had food like that in years!

When we walked to the table Drake kept me close as waiters came around to seat us. I guess they do have servent around here. If your the Alpha you must be super rich!

As one waiter tried to see me Drake growled at him."Mine!" He growled. The waiter back off and went to serve someone else. I took a seat as Drake pushed me in. I tried to to gorge myself. Espeally in front of Drake's parents but I was just starving from all my years in hell that I ate pretty fast.

Let's just say it was quiet the whole time. No one not even the kids said a word. Drake put his hand on mine making sparks flow through my body.

In laced my fingers through his. When dinner was over I went back to my room with Drake at my side. He told me goodnight and went to his room but he looked unsure the while time. Like he doesn't know if he should leave me or not.

I closed the door to see some pajamas. I took off my pretty dress and put in the pj's.

I turned off the light and laid down in the softest bed I have ever laid in! I knew i was going to sleep good tonight! In bed I kept thinking about the Winter Isle pack.

Are they looking for me? Will they fund me?! I hope not. I can't go back there again! Espeally if I escaped from the place. Cause I knew if i was back there they would kill me! Then I heard my bed room door open! I was scared thinking it was my kidnappers! I stood still as i felt a warm body next to me!

Heart pounding I looked to see beautiful emerald green eyes starring at me. I sighed with relief."Thank God is you!" I said with relief. He laughed.

"Who else would it be?" He laughed." I though it was smoke from the Winter Isle pack." I admitted.

His face went blank.

"Those bastards are never going to take you away from me! Not when I'm around!" He growled. He laid down next to me and put an arm around my waist. I put my arm on his.

"I can't sleep without you." He said." I'm afraid if I wake up I won't see you again. I can't live with you Chloe!" He said. I smiled. I love him so much!

"Also I need to mark you so everyone knows your mine!" He added. I sighed " Ok" as put my hair away from my neck.

I felt I mouth on my neck as he bit into it.

Sharp pain filled my body as I gritted my teeth. The pain suddenly stopped as he lifted his mouth from my neck." I'm sorry. Did that hurt babe?" He apologized " it's fine." I replied as he whisperd." Goodnight Chloe. I love you." In my ear.

I smiled.

"I love you too!" I whispered back. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and rest his head in the crook of my neck.

As I laid there in thought about Sandra. I wish she was here. She helped me through so much! I also hope that the Winter Isle pack won't find me! I cannot go back there! I want to stay with Drake....Forever.

Yay!!!! Another chapter done!!!! Sorry if I haven't updated in forever. If just been so busy with Chritmas in all. I have to go to so many Chritmas party's because my parents are divorced but that means more presents right?! Anyway love you all and please Commet and vote!!! Smell ya later!

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