3-戦いは勝ったが、アラームがまだ存在します(The Battle was Won, but the Reminder is still Present)

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Walking down the ale to the class room felt like a walk of shame. I smile at the presence of Madoka and Ayano, who had a bandage around her head and on her nose.

The teacher questioned her scars,"Katsuki, during the hand-to-hand combat," The teacher smiles. He stares at me,"Great Job Katsuki, don't take it personally Ayano, we are at war and any good battle will have it's scars, I might have to mark you down a little for letting her leave the battle unharmed," He says staring down at a paper.

"Sir! We have order to escort Miss Cadet Kajiwara to the Regiment headquarters!"

"Under who's authority?"the teacher asks. "My authority," a voice interrupts. Levi. I can see the class's jealousy."Very well then Levi," I get up and follow them out the building and to the stables.

"Since you don't have a horse, Soldier Yeager will accompany you by horseback, I'm sure you know each other?" Levi says."Yes, Corporal,"

He smiles,"Good Girl,"


The horse ride was a little awkward, small talk between me and Eren was common. I smiled and just looked around at the scenery. It was a beautiful day, barely any trees and green grass. I sigh, my brother would've loved being in the Regiment. He want to explore the outside world. He was very close to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, especially Armin. They were like older siblings to both of us.

Hitoshi was so brave and courageous. He took it from our father, slaughtered by a titan, just like our mother. It brought tears to my eyes. This is why I am a soldier, I'm not here for friends, power, or simply strength. I am here to bring honor back to mankind and to stop the human race from extinction. My tears stain the back of Eren's green cape. I smile remembering the beautiful moment when we went out alone to the market for the first time...I was very close to Eren...


"Eren! Hurry up!" I yelled."I'm coming! One second!!" He said running out the door trying to stuff his foot into his shoe and running at the same time. He trips on a stair and falls onto his face."Eren!!" I yell. I rush back to Eren. he laughs and gets up."AH!! You had me worried sick! You're to reckless!!" I yell turning red in anger."I'm fine, now come on! Let's get to the market!" He says running ahead of me."Hey! Come back you cheater!!" We reach the market and purchase our goods. I look over at Eren who was sitting casually on a step next to me.He looks back and smiles. He hands me some money."Here, go buy yourself something," He says happily eating half a piece of bread,(Me eating the other half,) I smile and stand up gathering what Eren gave me to what I had left. I walk by a stand and turn back to see what they were selling, dolls, military dolls, Scout Regiment dolls. I walk up closer to the stand and pick up a tall and skinny doll with brown hair and reddish eyes. She looked like me. She had on a military uniform including, the chains, the 3DMG, the jacket, swords (12 in total =3), and the Scout Regiment "cape". I smile and look at the merchant. The lady smiles,"Would you like to purchase her?" She asks smiling big. I nodd and hand her what I have."Great! Here you go! Here's your change, have a nice day little girl!" She says. I run back to Eren to  show him what I had gotten,


"Umm...Katsuki?" Eren interrupts my flashback."Hey," "Do you still have that military doll?" He asks."I nod."Mikasa helped me move a couple of things to the new location, clothes, uniforms, doll, ect." I say.He smiles."Well, have you ever thought that you'll look like her as soon as you put the regiment uniform on?" I smile and nod. We finally get off our horses and enter the building. By now everyone knows what our first orders would be."You three! Clean the stables! You four ! Handle downstairs!And the rest! Clean upstairs!" Levi orders. Me and Eren are giggling uncontrollably. Levi looks over at us."And you two...every window, doorway, corner, and floor that you see! I want everything sparkling! Or else you will be punished!" He says."Like this isn't one already..." Eren mutters softly under his breath.

We all set out to clean. I don't move. I stand in the "plaza" just staring at how to reach the windows. I step back then sprint for the wall walking up it and clinging to a window. I pull out the rag and start cleaning, jumping to window and then cleaning it."Kat?" It's Eren..."Yeh?" I ask."Why are you outside grappled to a window?" He asks."Um..I'm cleaning the windows."I say."You know you can reach them from inside right?" he says laughing.I turn red and jump back down."No I...I didn't" I say back."I'll go do the main hall..." I rush inside. I grab a broom and start dusting.

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