Chp.1 - Tetsuya?

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"Tetsu. What're you doing here?"
The small and short, trailed hair boy turned around to the two giants with dark blue hair and blonde. The basketball in his hand, he drops it and meets eyes with the blonde.
"Uwahhh!!! Is that your brother?! He's so cute!!" Cried the blonde.
"Tetsu, I told you to wait inside." Said the blue.
Tetsuya, the 10 year old, just looked down, no reply.
Aomine, the tall blue haired one, then sighed. "It's okay. Let's go now."
"A-A-Aominecchi, is this really your brother?!?! He's too cute-ssu!!" Kise, the blonde, cried again.
"Uh-." Aomine stopped his tracks as Tetsuya ran into Aomine's waist, hugging him from behind. Aomine then smiles. "Well, by blood, yeah. But by hair and skin color, no. But don't we look the same at least?"
Aomine happily grabs Tetsuya up and holds him next to his chest. "Huh?"
Ignoring his question, his nose starts to bleed. "C-Can I have him?"
Aomine sweat drops. "Don't ask me when you know they're will never be a time."
Kise weeps. "B-But..."
Aomine carefully lets Tetsuya down. He then runs behind him again. Aomine smiles.
"Sorry, he's a little bit too shy, so he doesn't talk a lot."
"Ah, no. As long as we get along I'm fine!" Kise nosebleeds again once Tetsuya peeks out to look at him. Ahh!! But why is he so damn cute?!?!
"Well, let's get going."

Aomine Tetsuya - Aomine's Little BroWhere stories live. Discover now