Game nights

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Kuroo and kenma were hanging out at his house during a thunderstorm, they had to shut everything in the house down and unplug them. If they didn't things would get fried, kenma was hiding under a blanket that was wrapped around kuroo shivering and shaking while playing his PsP and trying to ignore the storm. Kenma could barely play his game missing all the buttons as he couldn't get his fingers to stop shaking. Kenma was was terrified of thunderstorms he always hated them, kuroo always came over when there was a a thunderstorm or even a chance, he wanted to be there for Kenma. Today though it got even worse, usually they could play games or watch shows while they cuddled under blankets or ate some of kuroos famous grilled cheese sandwiches . Kuroo could feel kenma shaking under the blanket as her head a small 'damn'
"What is it kenma?"
"It died"
"Aww" kuroo said as kenma got out of the blanket and looked at kuroo pleadingly
"No kenma, you can't plug your game in, it will get shocked and the psp will be fried"
"Fine." A Kenma pouted and put his psp on his desk. Just as he set the PsP on the desk a strike of lightning flashed and seconds later a loud clap of thunder, kenmas eyes widened as his legs buckled under him. At the end of the boom Kenma was on the ground shaking hands over his ears with his eyes squeezed shut. Kuroo sighed lightly and went to kenma wrapping the blanket around him and kissing the top of his head "hey hey shhhh" he picked him up carefully . He walked over to the bed and set kenma down plugging kenmas headphones into his phone, before he put them on he said he would be right back. Kenma shook his head "please don't leave me"
"I'll be right back I promise"
"I'll be back I promise"
Kuroo placed then headphones on Kenmas head and kissed his forehead Kenma began to relax and close his eyes. kuroo also relaxed hating the sight of kenma freaking out. He smiled lightly and walked out of the room down stairs, it was dark and kenmas parents were gone. The only light was from flashes every now and then. Kuroo didn't want to turn the lights on knowing they might blow out. He looked around and grabbed two flashlights turning one on and searching the house till he found neatly stacked in a corner a few puzzles and some board games, he put the flashlight on the top of the boxes and picked them up. He smiled lightly and with a sigh went back up stairs to kenmas room and smiled seeing kenma perk up when kuroo was in his line of sight, he looked at kenma and showed him the boxes. Kenma looked at them confused and took the headphones off
"Uh huh!" Kuroo gleefully said with a huge dorky grin. Kenma smiled lightly and nodded grabbing some blankets and pillows, he put the pillows down to sit on a draped a blanket on kuroo. The heating was out as well so his room was bitterly cold. They both turned on the flashlights for lighting and laid the puzzle on the floor it was a simple 300 piece puzzle. Kenma took the box and started sorting out all the edges and setting them on the floor and kuroo started to try to piece together the edges. Kenma giggled quietly at kuroo who was sticking his tongue out and looking at all the pieces. Kuroo didn't hear kenma giggle cause he was so focused on getting all the pieces together. After a few swear word and about 20 minutes of glaring at the puzzle and Kenma cringing and trying to ignore the storm Kuroo finally got the edge together he looked up at Kenma. Kenma smiles softly at the puzzles and then up at Kuroo "we got it"
"You mean I got it"
"I helped"
"Yes now we have to do the inside"
Kuroo sighed and Kenma started to lay out the pieces so that every one was visible. Kuroo started to try and piece it together, about ten to fifteen minutes later Kenma finished laying all the pieces out. Kenma crawled over to Kuroo and shivered laying his head on kuroos lap. Both of them started to try and find each pieces home. Kenma would squeeze kuroos leg with every loud clap of thunder and or he would drop the piece to the puzzle from shaking. Kuroo would stop the puzzle and play with kenmas hair or hold him close trying to comfort him and make him forget about the storm, every now and then Kuroo would cuss and try to fit the pieces where they don't belong out of frustration and Kenma would smile, one would almost think he did it just to make him smile. After about an hour and lots of cussing cuddling and small victories, they finally got it together, Kenma had fallen asleep on kuroos lap. The storm had died down enough that the tired Kenma comforted by the one he loves had drifted off into a peaceful sleep, Kuroo picked him up gently and laid him on the bed. Kuroo laid next to Kenma and chuckled falling asleep with him.

From that day on Kuroo and Kenma would have "game nights" where they did puzzles and games, Kenma almost said no if Kuroo didn't seem so excited about it, some nights they would even have bokuto and akaashi over to play games too, akaashi and Kenma being the first to fall asleep and kuroo and bokuto staying up till god awful hours like 4 am and chuckling about stupid things sometimes waking the other two earning them death glares. Sometimes bokuto and kuroo would just sit and watch them sleep marveling at how cute they both were. Kenma always cuddling with his pillow like it was kuroo and snoring lightly as he would pull the pillow closer. Akaashi always sleeping quietly rolling over with his hair a mess and the moon shining on him making his skin illuminate. Bokuto and kuroo loved the sight, it was one of the reasons why they would stay up till 4am was to watch the two of them be at peace.

(I hope you enjoyed this, it took me 5ever to write because I kept putting it off I'll probably revise it at some point cause it's probably not that good but for now, here you go have some fluff, also if you would like to make any angst or fluff requests I will take them no guarantee when they will be done I apologize but I'll take them)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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