Chapter 6

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Kakashi's P.O.V

I woke up hour later than I shoul've. I got dressed and walked to the kichen to eat something. I was surprised to see Mao here because just like me she should've been in training grounds hour ago.

"Why are you still at home?" I asked

"Good morning to you too Kakashi-san. And I could ask you the same question." I was surprised by her tone 'cause she never talked to me like that. But when I saw what her eyes no longer were grey but now were yellow and catlike. She looked like she was very angry at something but soon calmed up after taking a few deep breaths and I saw what her eyes became normal again.

"I'm sorry for my tone Kakashi-san. I just had a bad dream and after having bad dreams I allways am in foul mood."she apologised"And for the question you asked earlier I'm still at home because I knew you'll be late anyway and I wanted to sleep even if only for two hours"she smiled a sad smile at her and I felt like I need to comfort her but when I saw what she was eating brakefast.

"And why are you eating, when I said not to eat?"

"Well I don't know how about others but I don't think I would be able to fight if I was starving, but when I think about it maybe I could?"she wondered.

"And if you throw up?" I asked curios about her answer because.

"Well I don't think I would 'cause here were only two times I did that. The first time I was sick with food poisioning and the second was when I acidently got pearced by sword and at what time it was not food but blood I threw" she said. And I wandered that this girl went trought.

"Are you going to fight for real this time?" she didn't seem surpried that I knew. Actualy I from the first time we fought had a feeling that she was holding back and she wasn't as bad at taijutsu as she said she was too. Actualy I think she easily could be a chunin.

"I'll think about that. But I don't promise anything"and with those words she dissapeared. She didn't walked away but dissapeared literaly like I do and after her dissapearance (sp?) I saw a cherry blossom on the floor.


I was heading to training grounds still thinking about Mao and about that she is hiding. Afterall she just performed a jonin level jutsu in front of my eyes and was hiding her true power too 'Why does she do that?' I thought and when I apeared infront of the genins they started complaining about me being late. I just told something about me being lost and started to exsplain the exam rules. After 'Start' I watched as all of them went hiding...well Naruto didn't -_-'. He started shouting something but I instead of listening took my book out and started to read. Naruto atacked me and I easily dodged. Just now I realized that I don't know where Mao is hiding since I saw the other genins hideouts very well buut couldn't found hers at all. I even tried to sense her chakra but that didn't work out. After some time I began to worry if something had happened to her. But I relaxed when my eye cought something silver. After looking closer I realized that it's Maos hair and that she was heading deeper in the forest instead of trying to atack me. I decided to follow her since I wanted to fight her and see her real strange so I created a clone to fight Naruto and I myself followed the young lady. It was just like she knew what I was following her 'cause she headed further and further away from the others. She finally stopped in the clearing and looked rigt up to the place I was hidding. I jumped down and stood infront of her.

"Your task purpose is very simple it's teamwork isn't it?"she asked and I wasamazed by how fast she got it"But saddly no one of my teamates didn't want to pair with me. Sakura was only searching for Sasuke, Sasuke thought that I was a bother and Naruto said 'How can I become Hokage when I can't get that stupid bell by myself ? Believe it!'" I was wondering how she managed to ask them all, especialy Naruto since he was fighting with me almost all the time"Clones"she answered my silent question."Now we have to head back because it soon will be midday" I wanted to argue because I still didn't fought her but I realized it was her truth and we really had to get back. Somewhy I didn't want for her to get back to the academy just because the other fools didn't want to team with her. It would be such a waste of talent. So I considered about giving them the second chance.


We got back to others just then the alarm clock rang. I saw that my clone just finished tying Naruto to the pole. He poofed and now I knew what Naruto tried to steal lunches, Sakura easily fell for genjutsu, and Sasuke almost got the bell. I gestured all of them to sit near the poles, but Mao being Mao jumped on the one Naruto was tied up, and sat looking at me with emotionless exspresion.

"I have something to tell to all of you about this task. No one need to go back to the academy..." I saw as Naruto and Sakura started to jump out of happines even Sasuke smirked but Mao still looked at me with the same exspesion and her grey eyes pierced right trought my soul. I continioued and watched as their happy exspresions became a terryfied ones"You all are hopeless. No one from three of you would ever become a ninja" I saw that Mao smirked when she heard me saying three not four. Actually I didn't plan to say that it just came out naturaly because deep down I already thought of Mao as the same level I was. My thoughts were cut when Sasuke atacked me. I easily dodged and traped him on the ground. When I scolded him for his actions and asked them "Did you ever thought that this exam purpose was?"

"B-but you never told us that it was"Sakura sttutered.

"Is Mao the only one in this team, who has some brain?" I asked them and they looked at me confused" If you were smart enought to listen to her when maybe you would had a chance to pass. So Mao would you be so kind and tell those idiots that this exam was all about"

"Teamwork"she answered shortly and I saw that finally realization hit those idiots" Since I don't want for Mao to fail just because of some dunderheads fault I will give you a second chance. It will take place after the lunch. Now here is your bentos" I handed it ro them" But remember that you can't give any to Naruto because he tried to eat all food by himself."with that I dissapeared and apeared in the tree nearby from where I could watch genins but they wouldn't be able to see me. I watched as the free of them ate and Naruto was saying that he doesn't need food. I saw that Mao stopped eating and was looking at my direction for a while. She finally looked away but only to jump down the pole and start feeding Naruto. It seems that once again she was the only one to realize the meaning. I decided to scare them a little. With a jutsu I darkened the sky and as fast asI could I apeared in front of them. Sakura with Naruto screamed and Sasuke kneeled in a fighting position on the other hand Mao once again was calmly sitting on the pole with emotionless exspresion witch make me uneasy all the time. I shook that feeling away.

" You...pass ^_^ " I said with a closed eye smile.

"" Sakura askaed looking something like O_O .

"Well again it was thanks for Mao. Till this moment all of you done everything acording to my instructions...just like idiots. But a real shinobi is searching for a hidden reason in a hidden reason. In ninjas world those, who don't follow comands aren't even worth to be called scums. But...those, who don't care for their friends are even lower than that.

"The task are complate! You all pass. It's all for today, Team7. Your first mission starts tomorow." I said and Naruto together with Sakura started to yell out of happiness. I started to walk away then Mao catched up to me.

"I forgot to give you something Kakashi-san"she gave me something and dissapeared I looked to see that was it. I was really surprised to see a bell in my hand and then I looked at my belt I saw what one bell was missing. I walked home once again thinking about Mao and wondering how she got the bell.

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