☾Chapter 3☽

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☾Chibi Friend Here!☽
Okay so.
Sorry about not updating.
At all.
Its just school is hard, and band adds on to that. (Doesn't help.)
So Im glad I can get back to my favorite thing to do, and that's
This chapter will start in
Alois: 3!
Yukine: 2!
Yato: 1!
All: LET THE CHAPTER GAMES, BEGIN! *Hunger Games theme*
☾Ciel's POV☽
Great. Just what I need.
I glared at Sebastian when he stopped me in my tracks.
He smirked at me, with Claude and that other mysterious dude in the group, smirking at me as well.
"What do you want, asshole?"
His smirk faded in to a frown, causing him to grab my throat and pin me against a locker.
The loud BANG! that it caused, made everyone look our direction.
Claude's yellow eyes shifted from person to person, making him tremble.
"You want to call me that again, Eyepatch?"
I smirked, and grabbed his arm, attempting to pull it away.
"I'd be happy to. But I wouldn't want to hurt your precious feelings, now would I?"
Sebastian let out a low growl, and punched me in the face.
Like usual.
I felt blood trickle down my nose, and Sebastian pulled his hand away, causing me to fall again.
Everyone just stared, whispering to one another.
I saw a blonde girl with curly pig-tails push through the crowd, and rush to me. Her green eyes filled with worry and concern.
She smiled and helped me up.
Elizabeth Midford. My cousin. The only one I could possibly trust.
"Oh Ciel! Are you okay?!"
Sebastian glared at me and her, then motioned Claude and the other guy to get a move on, before a teacher noticed.
"I'm fine.."
I felt the blood on my nose, and sighed.
"Here. Let me."
She pulled a tissue out of her pink purse, and wiped the blood off my nose.
She smiled, and hugged me.
The only one I can ever trust... Ever.
I hugged her back, and smiled. Everyone else must have gotten bored, so they decided to return to walking where ever they were going.
Me and Elizabeth decided to walk with each other, considering we had science together.
"So... Im sorry I wasn't there earlier to help you, Ciel."
I looked up, to see her tearing up. I sighed.
"No. It's okay. I don't want you to get hurt, or anyone else in that matter... Please don't work yourself up."
She gave a small giggle, and wiped the tears off her cheeks.
We continued talking as we were walking down the hall, when I felt someone bump into me.
Gee thanks assho-
I looked up to see Alois.
The blonde with beautiful sky blue eyes, staring at me.

☾Alois's POV☽
"Listen. I'm fine, and I could care less if you got involved. Just don't try and help me again."
And with those words, the bluenette boy walked off, leaving me behind.
Why does he shut everyone out? Maybe that's why people bully him...
I sighed, grabbed my bags, and walked into the school. I had Math first block, so I decided to just head straight there. I was walking down the hall, when I saw the triplets, and they mentioned something about a fight.
They mentioned how it involved a bluenette boy with sea blue eyes, and a black haired bastard with red eyes.
No way.. Not again. Damn!
I started picking up the pace.
I was practically running when I ran into someone.
"I-I am so sor-"
My eyes widened when I noticed who I had bumped into.
I had bumped into Ciel. Ciel Phantomhive.
That adorable bluenette boy, who I was slowly falling in love with.
I saw him look back at a girl with blonde pigtails, and she nodded.
She walked off, giggling like she had just gotten out of an asylum.
"Ciel I am so sorry! I didn't mean to!"
He gave me a small glare, then scoffed.
"Sure you are. You probably did it on purpose anyway."
Damn.. Offensive much..?
"N-No way! I wouldn't hurt you!"
He quickly looked up into my eyes, and I swear his eyes were sparkling. He glared and scoffed.
"You're lying.. No one cares about me other than Elizabeth. It's not like anyone other than her would miss me if I was gone."
Why can't you see that I care? I care for you Phantomhive! I care for you more than I care for myself!
He looked away, and started walking towards Elizabeth.
"W-Wait! Ciel! I-I.."
He turned to me, an eyebrow raised.
"What? What is it?"
I looked down, then back to him.
I could feel my face get hot.
No way. I'm not- blushing am I?!
"Uh.. N-Nothing. Never mind... C-continue..."
I quickly turned around and walked away. Well, more like speed-walked.
Damn. Why couldn't you just ask him to hang out! Alois you dipshit!
I sighed and stopped at my classroom. I opened the door, sat down, and zoned out.

☾Ciel's POV☽
Damn what an idiot.
"Ciel let's go! We gotta get to class!"
I snapped back into reality when I saw Elizabeth grab my hand, and practically drag me to class.
We entered the room, kids were talking and whispering. Some were throwing paper at each other. Elizabeth sat down and tapped the desk next her.
I walked towards the desk, and sat down. Our teacher, Mr. William Spears, was writing something on the board, so I got out a sheet of paper, and copied it down.
"Alright class. I'm sure you are all aware of Miss Anafeloz's accident, correct?"
He fixed his glasses, his yellowish-green eyes looking at everyone.
Everyone nodded, then started whispering again.
"Alright alright! Listen up! Her class will be staying in here until they get a substitute for her, so some of you are going to have to move desks."
Isn't Trancy in that class? Oh god please no.
Elizabeth nudged me, as if she knew Alois would want to sit next to me. I gave her a glare, and she giggled, turning back to the teacher.
"Now, this class will join us later on. Don't let it distract you from your work."
He pointed to the board, revealing textbook pages and certain questions for us to answer. I grabbed a textbook from under my desk, and got to work. Every once and a while, Elizabeth would ask for an answer, and I'd just scoff and keep working. That is, until he walked through the door. Alois Trancy, the boy that always tries to save me from my battles.
A lot of other people were there too, like Claude.
Ugh.. Him...
Alois and I made eye contact for one straight second, then he looked away. I continued to work until Elizabeth tapped my shoulder.
"What. What do you want? I'm not giving you any answers."
I whispered as low as I could, and she just giggled.
"I don't want an answer, silly! I want to know something. Do you like Trancy boy over there?"
I gave a glare, scoffing.
"Tch. Like I would like someone who tries to fight my battles for me."
She giggled again, but this time, she looked at Alois as she spoke.
"Well I heard he's doing that because he loves you."
I rolled my eyes, and continued to work.

I'll Never Forget You ☾Cielois☽Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz