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It has been a week since Matt's secret was discovered and Miranda still hasnt spoken to her brother. Matt was starting to get worried, afraid that their relationship would never recover from this. No matter how hard he tried to talk to her, she would just brush him aside and ignore him.

Matt was in the kitchen eating breakfast when Miranda comes in. She goes over to him and stands in front of him. She takes a deep breath.

"I'm ready to talk to you." she says and goes to the living room. Matt puts his ceral bowl in the sink and follows his sister into the living room, taking his own deep breath. He sists down on the love seat that was facing Miranda on the couch. " Don't talk just listen. I'm still Pissed at you. You should have told me from the begining. I know I know you were going to tell me when you stopped, but it looks like your not stopping." she says looking at him. He looks back at her, tilting his head to the side, silently asking if he could speak. She nods her head.

"You have every right to be mas at me. I want you to be mad. But you're wrong about one thing. I am trying to stop. I went about a month without using, Remember when I was sick? yeah that was me going through withdrawls. But I was weak I used the night you had the nightmare and the day I was 'Drunk' I was really high, and of course the day you found me. BUt I haven't since. I'm trying to stop Miranda, I really am." Matt says trying to keep the tears at bay.

" I know you're trying Matt but that's not good enough. What if the neighboors see you? they could call that girl from social servives. They could take me away!" Miranda says calmly. Matt gulps.

"I never thought of that, I'm stopping I'm done I promise I wont use again I swear. I'll go to rehab, I'll flush my stash down the toilet, I'll do what ever it takes." He whispers, shuddering at the thought of his sister being taking from him.

"Don't go to rehab, I know that sounds horrible to say but if you do then S.S will deffinitally take me away. Just stay strong and stop." Miranda says gently. Matt nods his head and Miranda gets up to sit next to him. "I'm not mad really, I'm just afraid for you. You're my big brother and I love you, I'm always here for you Matty. I hate that you're doing this to yourself." She tells him, emotions clear in her voice.

"I'm sorry" Matt whispers. Miranda gives her brother a huge hug which he returns with much love.

"What's going to happen with you anf Paige?" Matt asks her as he lets go of her.

"I don't know, I'm still pissed at her for keeping this from me."' She says running a hand through her Brown hair.

" I begged her not to tell you, and she thought I should be the one to tell you." Matt says trying to reason with her.

"Still, she should have told me you needed to tell me something. OR something! I dont know." Miranda snaps glaring at him.

"Hey don't be mad at her. She was only trying to Protect you" matt says refusing to give up the subject.

"Well she shouldnt have!" She snaps again. getting irritated. Matt could tell but still he refuses to give up.

"Miranda don't do this. Paige loves you alot and I know you love her. Don;t miss this chance." Matt says to his baby sister. She looks at him and smiles.

"You can be so sweet sometimes, and wise, you know that?" She teases, her irritation forgotten. Matt smiles his first smile in a week.

"I try my best." he snickers. Then they suddenly burst out laughing hugging once again.

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