Chapter 3

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It's about 15 minutes before we're near the scene, and Greg turns to everyone, looking very serious.

"Okay, this is what I need: Smith, you and Reynolds try and get these son's of bitches from behind, use the element of surprise. Pritchard and Scully, you guys will be going in on the side. And Miller, Baker and you will be meeting them head on, with me and Hart. Everyone clear?"

Everyone nods before Greg speaks again.

"If we can be efficient with this, there'll be no bullshit."

He turns to me. "You ready Corporal?"

"Yes Captain."

"Then let's go."

We pile out of the squad jeep (purposefully a distance from the scene) as we walk quietly towards the scene.

Greg looks behind, and gives the signal to branch out. Immediately, everyone gets into position.

When we get to the scene however, all is quiet. I notice Miller running over to what I now realise to be a body.

"He's dead sir."

Greg looks around confused, raising his gun slightly. I copy him, just as anxious as he is. I look at him and he looks at me; we're not sure what's happening.

All of a sudden, we hear movement and before we know it, we're under attack from the enemy, surrounded and in plain sight, with nowhere to run. I hear someone shout "FUCK WE'VE BEEN DUPED!!!" as I'm shooting, killing two of the enemy in the process. I stay close to Greg out of habit, as we try to fight off the enemy. That other squad never stood a chance.

We're slowly moving back, trying to escape, and as I turn to look at Greg to make sure he's safe, he steps on a mine and I see him fly into the air, before realising it's bits off him. I'm swept off my feet into the air, like I'm in slow motion but at the same time, it's all happening too fast. I hit the ground hard, probably breaking bones in the process. I'm not sure, I don't know what's going on. I let out an audible groan, before blacking out.

I come back round as the pain is overwhelming me, yet I'm only able to groan. I hear voices shouting.

"Sir! Sir, she's breathing sir! See, look!"

"How'd the hell did she survive that?!"

"What matters is that she survived sir. It's a miracle!"

I open my eyes to see faces around me, reassuring me I'm safe, all while looking concerned.

"Corporal Hart. Hart. You're in good hands now"

I try to speak.

"W--where is---is--are--th--th--ey--they?"

The man knew what I meant, and then he frowned at me, hating to have to be the one to tell me.

"You're the only one that survived Hart. Everyone else is dead. They're gone, I'm so sorry."

My head starts spinning. My squad. My friends. Gone. I start crying hysterically and people try to calm me down. I won't stand for this. They can't be gone. And Greg. Greg's gone too. Blown up by that mine. My brain couldn't comprehend all this.

They were gone. Forever.

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