Amusement park

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When you pass by my finger tips
Warmth spreads throughout
my cold heart

-T Yoon Mirae(Touch Love)

/Taehyung's pov/

We were walking trough the park when I noticed a little kid on the ground crying so I went to help him "Are you okay?" I asked helping him up but he seemed pretty scared of me "It's okay little kid hyung is a nice person" I smiled my box like smile which made him smile as well "Here" I handed him a lollipop "It helps when you're in pain or when you're sad" "Thank you hyung" he took it and ran off "Cutie" I looked around but couldn't find Jaehyun

"Jaehyun?" I walked around the park when I saw a girl on her knees holding her head crying "Jaehyun" I got closer "Jaehyun" she didn't hear me so I took out my headphones and put them on her that's when she looked at me and I helped her up "Are you okay?" I mouthed and she slowly nodded "Let's go home" I put my jacket over her and we walked back to the car.

On the ride back home she didn't say anything and just kept looking trough the window listening to music gripping onto the strips of her bag "Please don't be like that I don't want to see you in pain"

/Jaehyun's pov/

He helped me to my apartment not that I really needed much help "You can take a break tomorrow and we can continue after tomorrow" I just looked at the ground and when he finished I closed the door.I went to take a bath and jus sat in the bath holding my knees to my chest "..." I couldn't think and my mouth was glued shut.

When I finished bathing I laid in my bed and was finally able to think straight "Man I sure put on a stupid show" I sighed turning to the side "Taehyung...thank you..."

/Taehyung's pov/

I was trying to make another episode of my game but I couldn't think straight because there was only one person invading my mind "Man this mission just keeps getting harder" I took off my glasses and laid in bed "Will I be able to succeed?"

The next morning an unbearable noise woke me up "Dude he's waking up" "Shhhhhhh you'll wake him up" "He's already awake" I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jungkook staring at me "Aish..." I jumped up and was surrounded by 6 idiots I call my friends "W-what are you all doing here?!" I screamed "We came to wake you up" Jimin said blankly eating toast "Early in the morning?!" "What do you mean morning it's already 12 o'clock" I looked at the clock and he was right "Man I sure snoozed off" "Well you could have called or something besides how did you even get in here?"

"We found the spare key in the flower pot" "And just calling would be boring" Namjoon said slurping down his coffee "Yeah because breaking into my apartment and scaring me to death is very interesting and friendly" I said getting up "Now why did you even come here?" I asked stretching "We're going to an amusement park" I raised my brows "Why today?" they shrugged "Because we want to take a break?" "Also we invited your girlfriend" they all started teasing "She's not my girlfriend she's just a close friend" they just all laughed "Sure she is"

/Jaehyun's pov/

I just finished getting ready when I heard a knock at the door "Hy" Suga said "Omo what are you all doing here?" "We came to ask you something" I waited for his question "Would you like to go to an amusement park with us and Taehyung?" I started thinking "Should I go?I mean it would be fun but....NO I can do this" "Sure why not" their faces lit up "Ok then you get ready and meet us downstairs" I nodded and closed the door.

We drove in silence until Jimin who sat next to me decided to break it "So" he started "Do you have any other plans today cause I think we'll be at the park for quite a long time"I shook my head "No I'm free the whole day" Taehyung nodded as well looking out the window "He's acting pretty strange I wonder if something's wrong...was it perhaps me because of what I've done yesterday?I didn't mean to I was just...nervous and scared"

/Taehyung's pov/

I couldn't I just couldn't bring myself to talk as she was sitting next to me and my heart was beating like crazy "Now she probably thinks I'm trying to avoid her or something nice going Taehyung" I just looked out the window seeing her reflection on the glass watching me "I'm sorry Jaehyun I'm not mad at you I'm just stupid"

We arrived at the park 10 minutes later "Finally!" Jungkook screamed stepping out of the car "Oh no" Hoseok and Jimin gulped looking at the screaming people on the rollercoasters "What are we waiting for let's go" Namjoon said pushing us "8 tickets please" we payed for our tickets and entered the park "So where should we go first?" I asked finally able to talk properly "Uuuuuuu over there!" Jaehyun pointed at the largest rollercoaster in the park and we all looked at her surprised "So you like stuff like that?" Yongi asked surprised and she nodded shyly "Why is she so cute all excited like that?!"

we rode almost everything in the park "Let's get something to eat"we stopped at a hotdog stand and each ordered a hotdog "Man this is hella good" I said "You said it" they agreed.

/Jaehyun's pov/

"It's getting pretty late guys should we go?" Jin said looking at his watch "Hyung just a bit longer I'm in love with this place" we have been here for 8 hours dressed in some souvenirs and our arms filled with stuffed animals "It's already 8" he said "Just a bit longer" I pleaded "This is new I've never acted like this but what can I do I just simply LOVE amusement parks I just love how everyone's smiling and simply forgetting of what's wrong and enjoying themselves"

We rode a few more rides and are currently sitting on a bench "Man these stuffed animals sure are tiresome" I looked around and noticed a merry go round "Let's go on that" I pointed at it but they all just gave me weird looks "That's a childish ride" I pouted "But I like those kind of rides" Taehyung stood up "I'll go with you" he offered "Let's go" I hugged his arm and started pulling him along "Are you Jaehyun?what have you done to the real shy and weird Jaehyun everyone knows?" something was definitely wrong with me but honestly I don't care.

We sat on the horse next to each other and before the ride started Taehyung flashed me a smile that made my heart skip a beat and I could feel myself blushing thank god it's dark and it's unnoticeable "You are like a whole different person today" he said as the ride started "I know weird right?" I chuckled "Not really I think it's great you're getting over your fear soon you'll even be able to walk around freely without those sunglasses" I got nervous at the feeling but it soon disappeared when I remembered I have Taehyung with me "As long as you're with me I can do anything..."

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