Ending Words!!

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Hey guys!!

I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read Beauty and the Biker, I really apreciated it.

There most likely will not be a sequal, unless I deside to write a story and it just so happens to be at the same school as Derek and Jane and they just might be in the story as well but only small roles. I don't know, maybe all do that.

So for this summer if you want to read more of my work, which I would just love, I am going to have two not one but TWO new stories out. Taming Cupid is my teen fiction that I am currently working on and then I have Remember Me which is my fanfiction.

Taming Cupid:

Meet Rosalie Elizabeth, though she likes to just be called Rosie or Berry, but only Berry if you're one of the pack members, her best friend, or that really cute guy that works at the café (Yummy!!!). She's happy, she's sweet, she's short, she's a bit of a geek, and she's beyond adorable.

Meet Jason, just Jason. He's hot, he's fun, he's popular, he gets the girls, and he's got it going on. He's your all American boy whose in love with his truck (Adorably so!), not to mention he's also the alphas son.

Years ago Rosie, her mother, and her older Carson joined Jason's pack, the Silver Moon Pack. From the moment they met Jason knew that Rosie was his, but being the stupid boy that he is, he never told her. Years go by and Rosie is still clueless, secretly in love with Jason, wishing he would notice her, never realizing that she was his mate.

Throw in a few crazy friends, add a dash of odd ball band teachers, one 'Slutty' best friend, mix in a really old 'prophesy', a nice boy who wants the girl, the popular boy who doesn't seem to notice her, and finish it off with a tasty bit of drama and you've got one heck of a high school life.

Remember Me?

He-hello I’m Elizabeth Donovan but everyone just calls me Libby. I’m 18 and from Ireland but have been living in London for the last few years. I am about 5’ 1” with medium longish red hair and violet eyes.  I was working in a bakery in London when suddenly during work one day a little boys dog ran into the road in front of a speeding car, not even stopping to think I ran after the dog having myself be the one hit by the car. Next thing I know I’m waking up in a hospital room without a single memory in my head of who I am or what happened, and to top it all off I learn that I am apparently engaged to Niall Horan.

So thats what's going on this summer. I really hope to have you all as readers againThanks for reading my stuff!

I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

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