ignored and hurt

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sorry i havent uploaded in a w hile been dealing with some family business and i hope to upload more often!


Sora p.o.v

The man dissapeared in the woods. I stepped towards the woods but a hand grab my arm. On instint i turn ready to punch the person who dare touch me. My fist began to raise but i stop to see Zero.

"wooo tiger its just me" he said. "oh Zero where you come from" i asked. "Just around. I have something i need to tell you. You see my father said that me and Dianna cant hang with you anymore so if were ignoreing you at school dont worry thats why.

Dianna is heart broken but we want you to know that were still your friends" he said. My eyes widden and a strong smell filled my nose. I turn my head to the direction and in the woods i saw amber eyes stareing at us.

Zero froze under my touch as i turn towards this new smell. It was really musky and reaked of woods. I held my hands over my nose and did something unhuman. I let out a low growl to the mysterious thing.

"Sora you need to go" zero said his eyes never leaving the bush. I manage to walk on back to my house. Zero words never left my head.

The next day was horrible. I sat away from both of then and at lunch i skipped sitting on the roof. Weeks passed and i lost weight from my lack of eating and i was fired from the cafe for not showing. I still slept good but i looked even more pale. I was hungry for something that wasn't normal.

My eyes stayed a red color which i bought contacts to cover it up. I was currently up on the roof when that same smell hit my nose. I looked over the edge of the roof to see Zero and Dianna walking out. They looked suspious as they looked around.

They stopped right at the edge of the woods. My eyes widden a s a huge brown wolf stepped out. It shifted into a guy. He was stark naked but he handed Zero and Dianna something. The older guy began sniffing and he looked towards me. I moved hidding behind the wall.

a few minutes and i relooked to see both Zero and Dianna naked and they shifted into wolves. My heart began to race as i saw my friends one i known since diappears turn into wolves.

Then i relized something. The guy who attack me bit my neck. My sudden hunger for something else. My pale skin even tho i sit in the sun all the time. My red eyes they all add up. I was a vampire and my friends were werewolves.

Thats why they cant be my friends were natrual enemies. I jumped off the roof to a nearby tree. I forgot to kention my found new strenght and agality. I lept down stareing at the spot they were just at.

I left school and headed home. The sun beat down on me as i walked on. Yesterday was cold and today was hot. This weather cant make up its mind.

By time i got home i saw a black car in the road. I sneered as i knew it was one of my moms fuck buddies. I open the door and gagged.

A strong smell of alchol and sex filled my nose. I covered it as i walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple. I crept upstairs and heard moans from my mom room. I rolled my eyes walking in my room.

As i open the door a dark figure stood looking at pictures. "Who the hell are you" i said. He dropped the picture turning towards me. "Sorry but as you can see my dad is busy and he brought me along" he said. "Name" i asked. "Derieck Rungberry" he said. He held his hand out and i grabbed it. "Sora" i said. He didnt need to know my last name.

He walked around shedding his jacket. "I didnt know where to go and i didnt know your mother had a daughter" he said.

I rolled my eyes and closed my door because they were getting a little to loud. "She never talks about me she real mental" i mummered. "Mental" he asked. "She some times forget that im here and acts like im a stranger. Ever since my father and baby sister died in a car acciden she been that way" i said.

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