Visitation Hours

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Prompt: You seek out information on the Winchesters while they seek out information on you.

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Warnings: none

Words: 1564

A/N: Reader's a bit mean in this one, but it's not too bad. :/

You walked right by your table, ignoring the confused stares following you as you walked through the yard with confidence, your head held high, looking as if you belonged everywhere. After those brothers visited you yesterday, you knew you had to spend your yard time looking for answers to the questions you didn't ask. You hadn't heard your father's name in years, having thought you had gotten rid of him for good. And then in come two brothers to the place where you thought you were finally free of him.

"Hey, Jay." You walked up to the woman sitting at the corner table, where the more aggravated girls sit and plot out people's' deaths. You had steered clear of this table the day you arrived, having learned your listen when a different new girl had tried getting into it. But Jay was a fellow hunter, getting caught plotting a demon's death, plus the counts of murders she did with no time hiding the evidence. Jay had promised you favors since you were Bobby Singer's daughter, something you had to tell her to get in good with her. She owed Bobby on multiple accounts, thinking if she helps his one and only daughter that she'd be in the clear. Yet, you hadn't used her... not until now. "The bird fell out of the nest over by the guard's room. You should come check on it. Seems it needs a little... help."

The table, except Jay, released a synchronized laugh.

"If I was yous, I'd get outta here, Jailbait," Kris, the junkie with a temper, declared. Kris was a bit on the heavy side, but she didn't care. She showed it off, actually. "No ones wants your punk ass 'round here. Get. Shoo!"

"Man, JB, you got some nerve comin' up here. You know you don't belong on these parts of the yard." Lila, the thief with no remorse, snapped. "Get your little digits out of here before you pay the price."

"Yeah, JB! Gets your little digits outta here or else I'ma sends it back the ways you came, y'hear?" Kris chuckled and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head and crossing your arms over your chest.

"Y'know, Kris, I've heard many rumors going around that you got hit in the head so many times by your father that you forgot how to use correct grammar." You sent her a smile. "It's probably better that way, anyway. We wouldn't call you Kris Kringle if you didn't have parents that made you resort to eating to make you feel happy inside."

"That's it!"

"Whoa, whoa, alright!" Jay finally stood up, grabbing Kris's elbow and making her sit back down before she could do anything to you. "Y'all know not to mess with JB, the guards will be on us quicker than nats." Clicking her tongue, she escorted you away from the table, and away from Kris's meaningless glares. "What's wrong with you, Jailbait? You know not to mess with Kris's weight. She may own up to it, but-"

"I know," you declared, "but she really-"

"She pisses everyone off, alright? So, what's the situation?" She leaned against the fence once the two of you reached the side opposite her table, her shoulder against the gate, her arms crossing over her chest as she waited for you to answer her.

You, as well, leaned against the fence, but with your back, your hands tucked in your pockets. "What do you know about two brothers?" you asked. "One with long hair and the other one looking as if he's from a magazine cover."

"Oh." Jay chuckled a bit. "The Winchesters. How'd you get mixed up with them all the way in here?"

"I didn't get mixed up with them," you told her, turning your head in her direction. "They got mixed up with me."

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