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When Monday came around I was a bit nervous, I highly doubt that Jayson will be in class,but what if he is?

I've decided maybe it would be a good idea not to get involved with Jayson he's moody and confusing and if Anthony says he's no good for me he probably isn't good for me. But the thing is I couldn't stop thinking about what happened on Saturday, I know its weird, trust me do I ever.

I know that if he tries to talk to me I will talk back,he just knows how to get to me I guess,like on Friday I should have never went to that fight or talked to a random stranger, but I did!

I throw on my white ripped jeans and my black and white Adidas sweater I then wing my eyeliner.

I am already running late so I grab a pizza slice and throw it in the microwave, I leave the house in a rush.

When I reach school I rush into the fitness room and change into leggings and my sleeping with sirens T-shirt, and walk over to Luke who was partner less.

"Hey" he smiles

We do these wierd partner stretches and laugh way to hard most of the time so we couldn't really do any of them, but it was interesting, I could at least say that.

As Luke is in his push up position and I am getting ready to climb on top of him and do a push up position I get tapped on the shoulder, i turn my head and see the one person I was trying to avoid, Jayson.

"Partner" he says shooting dangerous glares at luke, Luke dosent even cower though everyone else would have,everyone is scared of Jayson including myself but I guess Luke isnt.

I look down making sure not to look at Jayson in any way,

"I have a partner" I say gesturing to Luke, Luke just nods

"So ditch him" he says simply

"No, goodbye" I then turn back to Luke and we continue to do our partner exercises

The Bell rings shortly after that and before I can even measure what is happening I'm getting yanked to the side,

"Excuse you" I say pulling my arm out of the persons arm I look to see who the hell, and I'm met with green eyes.

"Your excused" Jayson says smugly

"What do you want" I say raising my eye brow

"I see you are avoiding me" he says laughing

Is this guy crazy if he knows I'm avoiding him why is he laughing?

"No" I shake my head and pick at my fingers

"Yeah your avoiding looking at my beautifulness"

I scoff "please Thiers nothing beautiful about you" I say still not looking at him.

"Is that why you couldn't take your eyes off me on Friday" he say leaning against the brick wall.

"Your so into yourself it's actually sad" I say giving him my best bitch face which it good because I have a resting bitch face.

"The only sad thing here is you" he says laughing

"And how so"? I question him crossing my arms

"Well their princess your not a very good liar, because I've noticed when your lieing you start playing with your hands" he say smirking

I stop picking at my nails,

"I'm sad because I play with my hand"? I laugh

" no what's sad Is that you won't emit to yourself that you like me and my sexyness"

I shake my head getting frustrated "no what's sad is you think I like you"

"No what is sad here is that you thought I was going to kiss you on Saturday" he laughs

I can't believe he would bring that up!! Anger boils in me, actually I just think I'm hurt that he said that.

"Please I would never have let you kiss me, you kiss everyone you probably have herpes or some shit" I say, knowing very well that it's not true I wanted to kiss him but I would never tell him that or anyone for that matter, and I know that with people like him you have to fight fire with fire.

Something in Jayson's facial expression changes but he changed it back so fast I couldn't tell what it was.

"Really" he says stepping closer to me

I never realized it before but Jayson was really tall like 6,5 but I'm not sure. He's really intimidating

"Really" I say stepping away from him

"You really are a stuck up bitch"

Jayson then crashes his soft lips against mine and grabs my waist with his rough hands and before I know it my arms are wrapped around his neck and I'm kissing him back,the kiss was gentile yet hungry, he runs his tongue against my bottom lip and I grant entrance as our tongues move in sync my body seem to just feel so safe against his it seems so natural.

I pull away from the kiss not really sure if I wanted to but I did it any way,

He moves the hair out of my face and gently puts it behind my ear.

"Guess what" he says heavily

"What" i ask, my voice shaky

"You now have herpes" he smirks

What the fuck?!!!

"And you just kissed me" Jayson then walks away and I'm left here dumbfound I try to act as if that kiss never happened!

When I reached home my brothers were obnoxiously screaming at the television as always.

I go straight to the fridge and grad the whole box of pizza which only had about eight pieces left, and walked up stairs I plop on my floor and start eating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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