Anniversary - Part 1

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"Briiiiing!" The school bell rung out deafeningly and students in every classroom started packing their bits and pieces up. "Hey Frisk! Wanna walk home together?" Kid, Frisk's old friend from the underground questioned cheerfully. Frisk paused for a second, thinking of anything she may need to do when she gets home, then nodded in reply. "Cool! Meet me by the gate okay?" He smirked, as Frisk tilted her head in confusion from his mysterious look. She shook it off quickly, and then continued packing her things as her monster friend strolled out of the classroom.

Frisk soon packed her bag and skipped along the corridor to outside the school building where she saw her striped companion. "Friiiisk!" The young child beamed while waving his classmate over towards him. She lifted her hand up in a wave and mouthed the words "Hi" as she wandered to Kid. "I hope you don't mind, but I have to go to the shops first to get something for my sister before we go home." Monster Kid mumbled so Frisk only half-heard him. Nevertheless, she nodded in reply like her usual, silent self and headed off to the shops.

About half an hour later, Frisk started to wonder why it was taking so long to get home. Her friend had spent forever in the shops buying "One thing" and now is taking a leisurely stroll in the local park. Usually, it would take Frisk fifteen minutes to get home and was over twice that by the time Kid and her had left the park. "Um... Kid.... Do you usually take this long to walk home?" Frisk murmured gently, trying not to hurt his feelings. Kid was startled by Frisk's question and stuttered while trying to find his words. "Um... I-I... Uh, yeah! Yeah I like taking walks in the park like every day!" He hid his nervous face by clearing his throat multiple times.

Then as if a miracle had happened, Kid's phone buzzed in his pocket vigorously. He jumped from the break of silence and fumbled nervously as he attempted to answer. Too late. Although he had missed the call from his new idol – Papyrus – Kid knew exactly what he was going to say. "Frisk! Um... Your mom must be worried about you, let's hurry home." He hastily babbled to her in a cheerful tone, a sudden change as if a weight had been lifted from him. Frisk happily agreed and marched along the path towards her new home.

By the time the two schoolchildren had reached Frisk's home, the autumn sun had lowered significantly and the colours of the evening were scattering across the sky. "That's strange... Mom should be home by now, why are the lights all off?" Frisk shared to her friend in concern. Kid shrugged his shoulders swiftly and pointed with his head to the door. Frisk chuckled slightly at his oddness and unlocked the door to her and her new mother's home. Complete darkness. "Hello?" Frisk anxiously examined the darkness, trying to make out any moving shapes until...

"SURPRISE!" A series of cheers rang out as the lights flickered on abruptly. Many monsters from all over the underground where waiting in her home, cheering thankfully and throwing confetti in the air and over Frisk. "WELCOME HOME HUMAN!" Papyrus shouted gleefully.
"What... What's going on?" Frisk pondered in awe.
"Heh... Don't you remember? Today is a year after the day you set us free from the underground. We wanted to throw a little party to thank you and to just celebrate a skele-ton of new beginnings." Sans chuckled at his own joke, then walked out of the room while still laughing to himself as a few scattered laughs rose from the house. "SAAAAAAAAAANS! WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT MAKING JOKES!?" Papyrus shrieked as he chased Sans into the garden.

"Come in my child, now the party has begun." Frisk's new mother, Toriel, smiled delightfully. Frisk swiftly followed Toriel into the living room and talked to some of her old friends. "Hey Frisk! Long-time no see, you got to come visit me and Alphys sometime, yeah?" Undyne boomed as she landed a heavy hand onto Frisk's shoulder. "Uh... Y-yeah, I-it would b-be nice t-to catch up..." Alphys shyly added. Frisk merrily nodded from the opportunity and continued to explore the maze of monsters towards the kitchen.

Plates of mixed human and monster food and drink were scattered across the tables set out in the kitchen and dining room as monsters from across the country – all familiar – ransacked the food, desperate to try new recipes. Frisk snatched a small slice of pizza and started to nibble on the edges as she wandered outside into her garden where several other monsters hung out and shared stories of their successes and memories.

Frisk tiptoed outside, weaving through several monsters with her pizza still in her hand and overlooking her garden filled with memories. "Hey kid. Liking the party?" A big-boned skeleton smirked. Frisk swiftly nodded and trekked across the muddy ground to Sans and his taller brother sitting on a bench at the end of her large, flowery garden. Glowing faintly, the miniature lamps lit Frisk's way towards the bench in the twilight.

"HELLO AGAIN HUMAN, CARE TO TAKE A SEAT?" Papyrus boomed drastically. "OH NO! YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO SIT!" He dramatically noticed. Frisk thought for a second, then plonked herself  onto Sans' bony legs. "Wha- Kid?" Sans stuttered in surprise. Frisk took no notice and wiggled herself into a more comfortable position. "HUMAN! WHY DON'T YOU SIT ON ME, THE GREAT PAPYRUS' BONES TOO?" Papyrus exclaimed loudly, looking hurt. In reply, Frisk shuffled over slightly then flopped to her side in order to lay on both of the skeleton brothers.


Sorry I haven't been updating very often - I'm super busy with exams! Even though I cant be very active, I will still try my best to update as often as possible. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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