Clean the Couch Cushions

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I no this is kinda late, but here ya go!)

(Patrick's P.O.V.)

Once we got inside of Brendon's house, we started to map out how we were going to spend the time in which Renae was under Brendon's guidance. Brendon and her mentioned going to a Green Day concert, having a YouTube marathon, and others things.

As we were writing the last things down, we all started feeling hungry so we decided to order a pizza.

"Hello, is dis pizza hut?" Brendon asked the person on the other end as I played with the thread sticking out my jeans.

"I am going order two large pepperoni pizzas," he spoke into the phone, as polite as he could.

"I'm vegetarian." Renae spoke up as her head darted up to Brendon. He nodded and got a hold of the person on the other end again.

"Hey, I am gonna also have a large cheese pizza." He added as he leant against the counter in the kitchen and started to twirl his hair like a teenage girl.

"Oh my fucking god, no! Eww. No. No, we don't want that shit." He suddenly screamed as he started to make a face of disgust. "OK, uh, bye bye." Brendon ended the call before slamming his phone on the counter and shaking his head.

"What did they ask you?" Renae quietly asks as we start to chuckle at the moment.

"That bitch fucking asked me if I wanted garlic sauce. That shit is absolutely disgusting and is like eating Satan's piss. Oh my fucking god." He started to yell as he combed his fingers through his hair.

Renae and I just fell over laughing as Brendon kept ranting about how nasty garlic sauce is.

"Anyways, the pizza's gonna be here in about an hour so..." Brendon said once he was finished with his rant.

Renae nodded and her beautiful green eyes lit up as an idea powered up in her head. "Can we watch a movie?" She asks, "but like, a scary movie that will make you shit yourself." She adds, then her eyes went wide.

Me and Brendon looked at each other then back at her. "Uh, what just happened, 'cause it looks like you just shit yourself." Brendon asked as I kept back a giggle.

"I'm sorry." Renae apologized, and me and Brendon looked back at each other again out of confusion.

"For what? You didn't do anything." I point out as she slowly starts to relax a bit and settle.

"I just cussed because of how comfortable I was around you guys." She responded silently looking at the ground. "Please don't tell my parents. They, they would never let me out of the house ever again." She pleaded quietly, it looked as if she would cry.

"Nah, we cool. Why would we tell? I don't even talk to your parents. You can fucked for all I care and give birth before you go back to your parents for all I fucking care." Brendon says nonchalantly as Renae and I look at him in disbelief in his words.

"Um, that went a little too far, there Brendon." I say after a minute of silence.

"Just being honest. You fuck Patrick for all I care." I slapped his arm and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Brendon! What the hell?" I ask as Renae's eyes fill with shock at Brendon's words.

"What the fuck? Why did you slap me?" Brendon yells as I back away by Renae, even though I'm pretty sure she is as uncomfortable as I am right now.

"Because the words that are coming out over your mouth are terrible and you need to stop talking!" I nearly shouted, but of course, I didn't because I just can't.

"Patrick, I am just being honest, come on." Brendon says at a quieter tone.

I shake my head and sit down on the couch as I just pull my hat down over my eyes.

There was an awkward silence for about five minutes, when Renae, all of a sudden asks, "Brendon, what the hell?" in a voice of laughter before she starts breaking down into giggles.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, ya weirdo?" She then asks as she then continues to laugh really hard before Brendon and I join her.

After five minutes of laughter, Renae asks the question that started this mess in the first place. "Can we watch some scary movies, please?"


(Brendon's P.O.V.) (that's right, bitch.)

As I turned on the TV to want Nightmare On Elm Street on Netflix, I noticed something I almost felt jealous just looking at the sight.

Renae and Patrick were laughing and talking to each other, just like they had been friends for years. I felt the pit in my stomach explode. Me and Patrick have known each other forever, and have never had a conversation this casual. But Renae and him have met this morning and are already best friends practically.

I held back my jealousy and decided to grab some attention by knocking the DVD box off the TV stand along with several other. "Jesus mother fucking Christ. What the hell?!" I screamed to get more attention.

They turned towards me and started to laugh at me cussing and got up to help me clean up my small mess I made.

Once we finished cleaning the very small mess off the ground, we got the movie started.

"Hey Brendon, I know you will be scared again life last time, so when that happens, sit on her lap, not mine." Patrick says as I fall back on the couch next to him.

"I am not going to be a pussy this time. I am not going to shit my pants like Renae said. I am going to be a man and watch this movie, but still be fabulous." I said, as I added a small hair flip, even though didn't really work with my hair.

"Um OK, but you better not go home with me and sleep at my house like last time." Patrick says, I give him a stare as the movie begins.

"Pattycakes, I have this shit down."

"Well I sure hope it doesn't go to far down. I don't feel like cleaning the couch cushions." Renae adds as we all laugh and quiet down as the movie actually starts.

(I know, it isn't as long, but there ya go.
Pinof7 came out today and I nearly died when the stress mushroom exploded and Dan looked like he was going to fall on the floor from a heart attack. Ladders.
Thanks for reading!
New update on Sunshine On My Doorstep on Thursday.
I hope you have a nice night/day

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