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As the sun peeled through the delicate, dust covered blinds the sound of her mother and fathers voice has awoken her from her slumber.

Clementine slowly pressed her lips together, while slowly opening her eyes to be delighted by the brightness that filled her bedroom. Oh how she loved blue skies, but it seemed she loved anything. She was capable of making a tornado seem alright, even if it causes tremendous tragedy and distress.

Once she was more awake, she managed to push herself off of her bed and onto the cold wooden floor. Clementine opened her blinds and took a deep breath in. And out. This was something that was needed for her, she needed to take in all the beauty that was in store for her every, day.

She skipped out of her room, and down the slightly curved stairs to be greeted by a man. Not her father, nor anyone she has ever met eyes with before. He was fairly young, but old in her eyes. He had brown wavy, but neat hair. Dark brown eyes, a broad frame but slim. He waited by the entrance, seemingly impatient.

Clementine met his chocolate eyes, with her honey ones.


He looked at her as if he was confused, but he flashed a warm, welcoming smile to her. Causing Clementine to open up more, smiles made her incredibly happy. Don't they make everyone happy?

"Hi, I'm working as an intern for Geor- your father. My name is Calum, sorry."

She smiled back at him and nodded while starting to look around, in search of her father. He noticed her anxiousness, even though she seemed so sweet. He knew she was a bit unsure of this young man in front of her.

"I'm Clementine."

"What a pretty name, do you go by any other name?"

She thought for a second, subconsciously curling her lip and looking up at the painting hung up behind Calum, and finally shook her head.

"No! I just go by what I'm named. Although my father does call my his honey bee, but only he can call me that. Sorry."

He chuckled softly, obviously amused at her adequate but childish vocabulary.

"I see, I'm afraid I'll have to make one for you though! I'll be around quite often from now on, but only if that's okay with you?"

"Yes!" She leaped for joy and beamed with excitement. "Please make one! I'll be looking forward to it! Thank you sir-er-Calum!"

"Oh it's my pleasure, Clem."

He grinned, it was almost a smirk.

Calum knew she wouldn't be able to tell the different anyway.

She's a child.

In his eyes.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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