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I stood in the bathroom and pointed out my flaws in the mirror. My hair was in a messy bun, I was wearing leggings and a varsity crew from PINK. I was in the process of getting ready to visit my aunt, she's still in the hospital. I haven't spoken to Johnson since the other night when he dropped me off. He's texted if I was okay and if I needed anything, but still haven't texted him back.

I hand grabb my waist and quickly let go, I jumped off the ground and screamed. I would of fell if the person who scared me didn't catch me bridal style. I looked in the mirror to see Daniel smiling like an idiot. I held my hand over my heart, feel it race fast. I turned to Daniel and hot on the chest. "Don't do that again, you freaking scared scared me." I yelled at him. He chuckled deeply, "why, you always end up in my arms anyways." He cockily said with a smirk.

I shock my head at him and giggled. "Wait look in the mirror and smile." I ordered him, "why?" he asked still holding me in the same potion. I pulled out my phone from my leggings was it band. "Just do it." I said annoyed with his stupid question. I pressed the camera icon and held it in one hand. I kissed his cheek and held his chin with my free hand. I could feel him smiled big with his eyes closed, I took a few pictures.

Daniel turned his head, and stole a kiss. I took a couple more pictures, I turned off my phone and start to kiss Daniel more.

I pulled away and looked at his puppy brown eyes. "You know, I realized we haven't been on a date yet. We should go on a double date with Gilinsky and Maddison." I said. "Yeah sounds good ill call Gilinsky." He said as he let me slip out of his grip and onto the floor.

I watched as Daniel pulled out his phone and started to call Gilinsky. I grabbed mascara and eyeliner out of my drawer and started to to my makeup. "Sup man." I heard mumbles from Gilinsky, but not clearly understanding what he said. "Yeah, hey we should take the girls on a date?" He mentioned, surprising me the way he said it so simply.

" good with that?......okay in two days........yep absolutely." Daniel ended his ended his call and put his hands on my waist. He leans in towards me ear "you're too beautiful, you don't need makeup he kissed me cheek. I blushed and cherished this moment for a few minutes before leaving the bathroom.

"Hey get back here." Daniel teased as he fallowed me. "Not until you tell me where we are going on our date in two days." I said in a sing song voice as I skipped down the stairs. "Can't tell you babe, it's a surprise." It was obvious that it was a back idea to skip down the damn stairs. I skipped a step and all most fell on my face and roll down the rest of the steps. Daniel pulled me close to his chest tightly, my eyes bulged out of their sockets and my heart had a little attack at the sudden movement and butterflies.

"Nice, catch." I heard Hunter say, I looked up to see him and Emily holding each other. "Hunter I can't believe you filmed that." Emily smack him on the chest, "well at least we can show our kids that we know how to have fun." Daniel said walking down the stairs with me still in his hold, I blushed as he mentioned 'our kids.'

"Well that is if the baby is yours." Ashley said getting off the couch. I felt Daniel tense and gently put me back on the ground. "Of course the baby is mine, right Kyla?" Daniel asked. I glanced at him and back at everyone else. I pressed my lips together before I spoke, "I can't talk about this right now." I started towards the door, "Kayla?" Daniel tried stopping me, I resist the urge to look back at his sad puppy dog eyes. I didn't say anything and walked out towards my car.

I got into my car, put the key in the ignition. My precious car roared to life, I looked down at my stomach. The belly bump wasn't noticeable yet, "hey angle, you'll know who your dad is soon enough." I said in the gentlest voice I could muster. I smiled as I put my seat belt, I pulled out of my drive way. Noticing Daniel was watching me, his jaw was clenched, but still smiled at me. I smiled back at him, I headed back towards the hospital.


I just realized I didn't put Finn in the story at all, I'm a bad Skyehard.

So I decided to make Monday's and Wednesday's update days. What you thing about my new cover for Sweater. I'm so proud of it, it's so beautiful. Comment what you think about this chapter, cause I really care about your opinion.

Stay yourself because you're amazingly beautiful😍😘

If I had a YouTube channel that'd be my outro.

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