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    In the forest of the mountains there was a village and the villagers loved to build towers. Zeus had saw this and was furious with them. He came down from Olympus and started to set their village on fire.
" How dare you try to build towers to reach the heavens!" Zeus exclaimed " as punishment I shall take the lives of everyone except for one of the chiefs daughter!"
The chief had to choose one of his daughters so he decided on his youngest daughter Collete. Zeus took her and trapped her in the tower and made her watch as her village was destroyed. Collete had plenty of food and water inside the tower but she could still smell the burnt village as time went on. As time passed her hate for Zeus grew and she wanted revenge at all costs.
    8 years later a boy named Lloyd was planning on going on a trip to a section of the forest in the mountains to pick some fruit for his family.
" Child stop being lazy and go to the forest within the mountains so you can bring us some fruits!" Marta yelled " while you are there bring some twigs so we can start the fire."
" Okay mother but It'll take about a days trip" Lloyd explained.
" Whatever as long as you get out of the house." Marta replied.
Lloyd had started his way up the trail to reach the mountains. He had tried to walk as quick as possible and made it to the forest within the mountains by midnoon.
" It sure is nice out here and it smells fresh because of the river and all the fruits that grow here." Lloyd had thought.
He went looking for the apples and berries that grew near the river. Lloyd also went to go get twigs from the apple trees. While he was picking the berries he hadn't notice that the apple trees roots were sticking out. Lloyd had tripped over the root and hit his head.
" Genis help me carry him." whispered Raine.
" Ok Raine I'll help out." replied Genis.
The two river nymphs carried him off to their home.
" Lets hope this potion of healing works." said Raine.
" Sis what did you put in that potion you made?" asked Genis " it doesn't smell right"
" I only put cheese, toads tongue, Newtons ear, your silver hair, my silver hair, and spit." she had explained.
" I feel bad for that poor sucker " Genis had thought. " another victim my sister has claimed."
Raine had used the potion to heal Lloyd. He had awaken to see the two siblings.
" Holy cow what was that smell and who are you guys!" Lloyd shouted.
" I knew he was gonna react like that" Genis thought to himself.
" Your welcome I just saved your life." spoke Raine.
" Oh I'm sorry please forgive me" spoke Lloyd, " also thank you very much for saving me."
" Since you're awake let me bondage your head just for extra measures." explained Genis.
Genis bondaged Lloyd's head while telling him stories about a village that was burned down for building towers. Lloyd had found this story very interesting.
" Oh so your telling him that story" Raine had stated " I bet Genis didn't tell you that if you follow this river downward you're supposedly supposed to find the burned village"
" Is this story real? " asked Lloyd.
"  Who knows." spoke Raine " I get to tired so I always turn back around and head back here to make dinner"
" More like making poison." Genis said to himself.
" I need to head back home its getting late" Lloyd explained " Oh and what happened to my fruit?"
" It probably went down stream." genis mentioned " because I didn't see any fruit when we saw you." 
" If you head down stream you should find trees and bushes eventually." Raine suggested " so just try it"
" Ok I will." Lloyd stated while leaving. 
    Lloyd started his trip downstream to find fruit and so far he was out of luck.
" I wonder if I'll find that burned village and its tower" Lloyd had thought.
" Our plan worked" Genis said.
" The only place left with fruit is by our old village that was destroyed." Raine replied.
" His curiosity will probably want to make him climb the tower and save Collete." Raine murmured " together after all this time we'll meet and take our revenge on Zeus"
" Lets start heading over there" they both exclaimed.
Lloyd had finally found a bush very far down the stream along with some apple trees. He had started to pick the fruit when he stubbed his toe on a rock and looked up.
" ouch that hurt" Lloyd shouted " why does everything bad always happen to me."
He had noticed that there was some burned houses and that there was a tower nearby them to.
" I think I just found the burned village that the river nymphs were talking about." mumbled Lloyd.
" I wonder if theres something in that tower?" he had thought to himself.
Lloyd started his way to the tower. When he noticed that there was something guarding the tower. He thought it was kind of monster made of vines and knew that he had to set it on fire to continue up the tower. Lloyd remembered how to make a fire, so he grabbed some twigs rubbed them together until he saw sparks so he started to blow on it.
" Good thing my memory is very good." he thought to himself.
He had started a fire and began to slowly walk towards the vine like monster. He had kept the fire close. As soon as he got close he threw it directly at it and watched it suffer in pain. When it had withered away he started to climb the tower to see what was in it. As he had reached the top he had seen a very beautiful girl.
" Such a beautiful girl with blonde hair and azure eyes." Lloyd had thought " I have never seen anyone like her but what is she doing in the tower?"
" Hi my name is Collete." she said cutely, " I'm sorry for what I'm about to do."
Collete had stabbed Lloyd twice while he was still outside the tower. One knife was lunged in the neck and the other in his heart. As soon as he was stabbed Lloyd started fall down the tower as his life flashed before his eyes.
" My luck is really bad" Lloyd had thought to himself as he slowly died.
Collete had climbed downed the tower and said goodbye to Lloyd as she called for Raine and Genis.
" Lets go Raine and Genis." Collete spoke " thanks for sending him to save me but you guys knew I couldn't let him live, so he could just end up like us and suffer for the rest of his life."
" We know Collete otherwise we wouldn't have tricked him into saving you from the punishment that Zeus gave you." Raine had explained.
" Lets head on our way to Mt. Olympus to kill Zeus!" Genis exclaimed.
" Lets." Raine and Collete replied.
Collete, Genis, and Raine started their way to Mt. Olympus. While leaving one of the villages closest to Mt. Olympus they had saw Zeus, so they prepared for battle.
" There you are you monster how dare you kill everyone in my village and leave me in that tower!" shouted Collete.
" You killed my family!" Shouted Genis and Raine.
" Who do you think you're talking to!" exclaimed Zeus.
Zeus was angry at the way they had spoken to him and grabbed one of his thunderbolts and threw it at Genis, Raine, and Collete. They had died a horrible death by Zeus.
" Damn it we failed" They all had thought at the last moment.
There luck wasn't very good because of the deed they had done to Lloyd, so carma had come to get them.

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