EP 4 : MasterMind Effect

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Shows What Happened Last Episode
Shows What's To Come This Episode
Shows the house
Effects show lightning in the background
Title appears: Mastermind Effect

Jhene and Jocelyn come back from the hotel *
Jhene int* I'm bck and I'm ready to just get this day over with
Jhene goes to Kylie
They converstate
Jhene: so wassup what happened while I was gone
Kylie: girl cris came at me sideways
Jhene: she jealous
Kylie: I believe so
Jhene int* really? Who pops off over a question.. I believe jealously is taking over the house
Kylie & Jhene Laugh
Kylie int* I'm Not Surprised That People Are Jealous In This House I mean we was famous before this so why not

Scene changes

Shows Onika walking around
Onika: so let's play catch 😂 hot potato
Shows Lisa Zoe cris & Cyn Faces
Onika int* I got this house divided finally it's gonna be my master plan to get bitches packing
Shows Onika throwing the ball
Zoe tries to catch it
Cris catches it & Falls
Lisa and Cyn laugh
Lisa int * I'm really feeling good about the way everyone in my clique is getting along its fun
Shows them high fiving each other

Jhene & Jocelyn get dressed to go out to eat with the jenners
They get in the jeep & Drive Off
They arrive & Get Seated at a table
They order food
Jocelyn int * Glad We Can Just Eat Food
Shows them eating
Shows them laughing & Talking
Jhene int * if I had anybody else to hang with other than Kylie & Kendell is hang out w my pillow Bc nobody compares to my girls

Kylie: They have karaoke
Jhene: Omg Kendall u should o it
Jhene int* i know ken better get on stage and do this because she's a great singer
Ken: Ehhh ok I'll try
Ken goes to pick the song
Shows Kendell about to sing karaoke
Kendell gets on stage
Kris : Woooo !
Kendell sings *
Kendell: We share something so common Still so rare, and I'm in awe
Never been here before So high, we're still climbing Even here inside these walls Breaking each others hearts And we don't care 'cause we're so In too deep, can't think about giving it up But I never knew love would feel like a heart attack It's killing me, swear I never cried so much Cause I never knew love would hurt this f***in' bad
The worst pain that I ever had

They clap for Kendells singing
Kris : Woaaaah that's my baby girl
Kendell int * i kilt that song and I'm damn proud of myself
Jhene cheers
A producer goes up to Kendell
Josh ( The Producer) : I was just wondering would u like to get in the studio with me and sing
Ken int* I'm damn excited This random producer just came up trying to talk to me I'm excited
Kendell: omg I would love to !
Jhene and Kylie : yaaay go Kendell
Josh gives Kendell a business card
The girls leave the restaurant

Back at home....

Zoe Cris & Onika go in the cf
Zoe cf* We Wanna get rid of These Punk Bitches Kylie Ken & Jhene
Shows Onika smiling the whole time
Cris cf* So Onika has Came Up With Another Brilliant Plan To Just Keep Fucking Up Their Day Until they Leave
Onika winks
Zoe cf* Operation Get The Wannabes out is in effect

Scene changes

Jhene Jocelyn and the jenners walk in
They go to their rooms
Onika int* I wanna push jhene and Kylie buttons right now 😊
Onika: Ofc jhene and Kylie leaves their shit everywhere !
Onika int* I put they clothes everywhere and bout to get crunk in this bitch let's see which bitch turns up first
Cris washes her face in the bathroom
Cris: Ofc this bitch does she's a dirty hoe
Jhene int* This girl is always following Onika like damn stfu let Onika have her own voice
Onika: Dirtyyyy hoes
They start dancing and acting fool
Shows jhene laying down
Jhene gets aggravated
Jhene storms out the room
Onika int* Ding ding And Ofc Its Jhene I'm Loving this bitch I'm gonna push her buttons everyday hopefully
Jhene : if any of you bitches got anything to say ! Bitch Say It Petty ass hoes
Cris: Mhmmm well we don't like u
Jhene: Bitch you Are A Follower !
Cris: And Bitch Your Dirty
Onika: Take Yo ass out the bathroom hoe
Jhene: Make Me Leave bitch make me throw a fucking punch I'd love to see you do it wassup how
Jhene claps
Onika laughs
Cris: Bitch Go !
Jhene ties her hair
Jhene launches at Cris and Onika
Security grabs them
Jhene: I'm not afraid of this thot bitch let me go
Onika laughs
Cris: Stupid bitch
Security seperates them and sends them to bed

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