Chapter Twenty-two A party to forget

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Alex pro

As the part was on many people came up to me to congratulate me on the babies but my mind was a million miles away. All I could think about was the talk with the elders had told me about my kids. Why couldn't they have a normal life. Someone is coming after me and my babies. How was I supposed to be happy when there is something like this going on. All I know is that I'm going to fight against whoever tried to hurt my pups no matter what. I would give my life for the beings growing inside me .

What do think Alex?'' said someone. It snapped me out of the my thoughts. I had forgotten that I was talking to Sebastion's parents Mr. and Mrs. Knight. The where people of the upper class but never snobby. They held their heads with dignity if they were wearing designer or from the thrift shop. They were like my second parents even though the raised a jerk.

What? I'm sorry I was on another planet." I said giggling to cover the awkward silence .

Oh, its okay sweetheart. I remember when I was pregnant with Sebastion. All I thought of was how happy I was to be having a baby. How I was going to be a mother. " Mrs. knight said with a dreamy gaze.

Yeah that's what I was thinking about. So what where you saying'' Changing the subject.

We where saying of helping turn the room next to yours into the babies room." Mr. Knight said looking like an older version of Sebastion.

That would be a great idea though there going to be twins." I said.

Twins, how exciting but how do you know your not evan showing ?''Mrs. Knight asked

The elders told me but that's a long story. Will you excuse me"  I said trying not to talk about the topic.

Ofcorse but we will talk later." Mrs. knight said as I left.


I walk to Melissa who was talking to some guest.

Melissa when does this thing end?" I said wanting to leave.

Not for a few hours why?" She asked.

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