5: Loving the Lost

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Once I woke up from what felt like a constant pounding to all muscles in my body, I noticed I was the only one in the room. The two guys who were keeping me captive here had long left. They left me alone in here and I didn't even know the way back.

Reaching for my phone I realized it wasn't even there. I cussed in frustration and tried to stand, but my body wasn't letting me. The aching from the beating I had only hours ago was affecting my body in more ways than pain. Barely being able to move really puts a damper on my quest to rescue the person I love. Even if it was too late, I still had to do something!

No light was shining through the one window of the room, that meant that there was a chance that not too much time had passed. I had to take this opportunity to escape, because I didn't know when or if Jeremy and Mason would be back.

I tried pushing myself up off the ground again. This time it worked, but not without my muscles screaming in the many places I was punched repeatedly. As unlucky as I was, I'm glad they didn't kill me. I know it sounded a little drastic, but Jeremy was a messed up kid who would do practically anything. Maybe it was my connection with Whittney that kept me alive.

Blood dripped from my lip, which meant that it couldn't be too long ago when fists stopped pounding against me. Dammit, I hate fighting!

When I finally made it to my feet, standing upright was still on my to-do list. I swayed back and forth, until I found a wall to lean against. It wasn't going to be an easy trip back to Whittney's, but if there was even a possibility where I could escape and help Austin out of whatever situation he has gotten himself into, I wouldn't hesitate.

Leaving the room, I entered another which looked like some living room. A clock sat just above the flat screen tv, which looked a lot nicer than what the people who lived here could afford. Possibly stolen. That was the only reason they could possibly have something like that. Ignoring this fact, seeing it's irrelevance, I check the clock for the time.

It was a little after three in the morning and Whittney's parties usually lasted all night. There was still a slight chance that Austin hadn't screwed up yet. I could still come to his rescue and when he was grateful, that would be enough for me. Austin didn't have to love me for me to be happy, all he had to do was be happy and that was enough for me.

Walking was becoming even more difficult as my legs felt like they were going to collapse. Even though Austin was important, I had to look for some pain killers. I didn't know if they would help or not, but I found some in the bathroom. I gulped a few down and washed my face off a little before looking in the mirror. Jumping a little from my reflection, I ran my hand gently across one of the bruises that was forming and flinched. Just touching it hurt like hell. I had to stop being such a pussy. It should be easy considering I didn't really have one or like them.

The fact that I looked terrible wasn't even half of the problem. I felt more terrible than I looked. It was possible that I had gotten off easy, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. There was no worse feeling that being beat up, especially by people so much stronger than you.

I tried to shake off my feelings. They weren't going to help me on my attempt to save Austin, if he wasn't already in deeper than I could pull him out.

Finally, I gained enough strength to leave the house. It didn't take long, just five minutes. I just hoped those five minutes wouldn't cost me Austin's downfall. There was still no sign of Jeremy, so I left the small house and hoped I wouldn't fall over halfway to Whittney's.

I let out a sigh as I recognized the street I was one. Only a couple blocks and I would be at Whittney's doorstep, wishing I could beat the shit out of him. There was no way I would, though. My nature just wouldn't allow me to and my body just wouldn't be able to, especially not now. I could barely walk straight, or walk at all.

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