This " only one "

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Hey Baby girl 💖😌 can i tell you this
You are my new favorite feeling
I care about you more then you think
My first *Real* love ?
It's you...
It's always been you !
Yes, im thinking about you right now
Yes, with you Im home
Yes, i fell love with you
Yes, im in love with you
Yes, I love you ! 💘
Girlllll omg 👌🏽😳😱
You 've got a smile that takes me to another planet
And i get do happy When you takl to me babe
You re not just my lover
You re my best too
Who i can tell everything and anything
I fell for you
I ache for you
I want you
Only you
I love you
My worsts nightmares are is if i lose you...
Because i want you !
And i want us baby
Because i want to kissing, fucking, huging and love the same person forever !! Nobody else !
You want to know my list of what makes me happy ? Okey

1. You
Can i tell you a lil' poem like you did for my birthday ? Well...
Roses are red
Violets are bleu
I 'll never love someone
The way i love you
Really, I want to hug right now, kiss you later, love you forever, marry me till the end of the time bae
Thats makes me think about all the stars of the sky, the space.. No the univers !! 😍😍
Please babe let me be
Your 6 pm dinner date
Your all night cuddles
Your 2pm giggles
Your 3pm sleepy kisses
Your 4pm pillow as you sleep
Your " Forever & Always"
Everytime when i get home i say
" I miss her stupid lovely face "
Baby girl really
I miss you
I need you
I love you
I hate you
But i adore you
I love you with the fire of a thousand suns
Just like my jam say
" together we win it all"
We stronger then everything together 💖
So it simply baby : you complet me
And fuck i forget
I like when you ask me to kiss you, hug you and love you 💖
Love is old
Love is new
Love is all
Love is you
I Love you
Your my #1 your my only one your my queen
This is why your my baby girl
Rn im in bed, you re in Your bed... Somebody is at the wrong place
I like the way you smile
I like the way you laugh
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk
You know what ?
You re perfect to me
It's why I love you
Your mine 👌🏽
Im yours 🙌🏽
We are both ✌🏽️

U + I = I ❤️ U


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