Chapter 1

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"What a magnificent beard you have joe" callum said, looking longinly at the two hairs poking out of joe's chin. Then, Callum realised that he had made tragic mistake. There was only one hair.

It didn't matter anyway. Joe knew Callum wasn't being serious because his fans always taunted him for not having a beard, using the tag #nobeard. This made him sad but callum brightened his day by slowly caressing his chin, running his fingers over the hair. "Oooh callum, you're such a tease"

Joe loved the attention he got from callum, however, they had to be parted as Amber Run had a gig later that day and they needed to travel to Sheffield. Callum was going to be at the gig anyway so they wouldn't have to be gone from each other for too long. The show went well, their best night yet with callum singing loudly backstage along with Amber Run. He made a surprise appearance but tripped over Joe's beard, making the audience wild as he struggled to disentangle himself from the hair. The performance however was amazing and callum performed well signing 2 songs from his album "young blood".

The ride home was loud and crazy as callum had decided to join the band on their tour bus a.k.a a van and joe and callum hardly had anytime alone. Callums album was blaring throughout the van and Amber Run were loudly singing along and during "young blood" Callum glanced over at Joe during the chorus "young blood, we can't help what we're feeling" which gave Joe a fresh wave of love.

They arrived back at callums house and joe followed him into the kitchen, they both had a bacon cob and decided to hit the sack. Callum offered to sleep on the sofa so Joe could have his bed but Joe convinced him to stay together so they both climbed into the bed. Callum was cold so he wrapped himself up in the single hair cascading down from Joe's chin.

The woke up the next morning and callum had severe friction burns from Joe's beard. He didn't care though and they decided to go out for breakfast. They sat outside a greasy café in central Nottingham when suddenly callum got down on one knee "yes!" joe said without hesitation. Callum looked up confused and brought the fork he had dropped back onto the table. "You thought i was proposing?" he said with a smirk on his face. "No, i mean...idk" Joe stammered, spilling tea on his beard. Callum said "ha jokes. This is totes hillar - init" and walked away.


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