Chapter 1- Life

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My life had always seemed dull. My friends seemed dull, my parents seemed dull-Okay they were 95% of the time. Then there is me who, like them, seemed dull but I wasn't really. I never have been. I never will be. Or at least I thought so.

I was always the type of girl who sat down in the back if the classroom out of site. The one who never reacted or spoke except when spoken to. The one the teacher neither loved nor perished. The unsocial misfit. That one.

Friends were something I often took for granted. Sarah and Maisy were amazing friends and we were always close. My mum often referred to us as 'the triplets' which was explainable. We all had the soft brunette hair, the small yet cute smiles, curvy bodies and pale yet easily tanned skin.

The first day that I arrived they took me under their wings. It was legendary or shall I say they were legendary...

My friends were the same- they were never silly nor outrageous, merely 'model students'. We were always the ones to ace exams, questionnaires and even pop quizes. That was how we were seen inside school. The lifeless girls. The invisible ones.

Yet, when we went out all of that changed. We were never the lifeless ones, in fact we were the life of the party.

Laughing, drinking it was all our daily schedule. It was all we did. Beach parties with alcohol and cute boys. And us. The three brunettes who staggered into each and every party leaving long past midnight with a boy under each arm.

Why you think? Yes it was because our heavenly looks and amazing personalities but also due to the prejudice that boys saw. They thought we were easy; that we just wanted to get laid.

Hell no! We did NOT want that! Don't get me wrong boys are amazing and cute but we saved our virginity for love. For true love. Even without the desire to get laid we made each party our own. Whether it was with our hilarious dance moves or our incredible senses of humour, we were always the spark to get the fire going.

It was amazing; the life of a true pop star. But everything has to come to an end -even the best times of your life.

This book was inspired by rainbowbrook's amazing book, Kissing Is The Easy Part. Carmen features in it as a close friend of the main character but wasn't always there.

She was a main character but not someone mentioned too regularly which made her perfect for this book.

This is a book for rainbowbrook because Kissing Is The Easy Part really was a great book and inspired me to write this one.

Thank you for that book and for this character. Carmen fascinated me and I felt obliged to write about her.

I hope this a good representation of her , even if it's not how you would see her. I wanted to do something like you, but a bit different. Something expected yet unexpected.


(This is also for your mini contest about a character).

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