Chapter 3- The mistake Part 1

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The evening started no different from others. I started by choosing my slinkiest but sexiest dress that revealed too much yet just enough. I added endless accessories not to mention buckets of make up. I straightened my hair to perfection, insuring that every strand had the same texture. Then to top it all off I added sleazy 4 inch high heels to my combo. I was ready to face the music or more importantly the boys.

As I clomped noisily down the stairs I thought of the way the noise echoed through out the house. I felt sorry for this house. After 13 years of use (maybe more) it had never had one night in which all members of my family were present.

It's most common visitors were cobwebs, spiders and food which had remained in the cupboard untouched for months on end.

Today was not the day that I, Carmen Smith, would stay at home. Instead I would spend a night out with my friends being loved.

I sauntered outside and locked the door. I slipped the key into my River Island purse and then placed that into my Dolce And Gabbana bag.

At least there is one plus side of my parents obsession; money.

As I walked down the road towards Maisy's house I admired the sights around me, indulging in the last moments of being sober. The lights were beautiful now, to my unblinking eyes but I knew all too well that they were soon to become too vibrant, too strong and a constant pain.

I soon approached Maisy's house and knocked on her door. She soon answered but she looked lost and drunk. That wasn't surprising for Maisy though. Her whole world was always like that. I could probably have described how she was feeling right then. Probably dizzy and fragile yet at that moment in time she was beaming uncontrollably.

I stepped into the house and laughed as she aimlessly attempted to navigate her way through her hallway. I watched as she disappeared into the stairs that leaded downwards to her basement. What can I say? It's hilarious watching Maisy act as if she has never been here in her life.

I smiled and turned and shut the door- yes Maisy, whilst in her drunken state, had forgotten it. I locked it and then followed Maisy down the steps.

Her actions were slow confirming my initial thoughts. She had had a few shots before my arrival. I recognized her need for help and led her down the stairs to her basement. That, however, took much more time than expected due to the facts that a) Maisy was drunk and b) we were both wearing 4 inch heels.

After what seemed like a century, we made it downstairs and as I entered I took in the scene.

To the normal, untrained eye it would seem like a normal get together between teens. There were only 5-8 people there and they were lounging in front of the TV.

I, however, saw it for how it really was. There were 5-12 people who were drunk and taking a nap- those extra 4 had passed out. There were beer cans over piling in bin, spirit and whisky bottles hidden between sofas and teens listening to rave music.

Soon enough people would come flooding in through the door ready to get pissed. There would be teens snogging left, right and centre, as well as boys and girls hoping to get laid. Small party games like 'Spin the Bottle' would be occurring in the darkest places of the basements and upstairs people would have sex in the bedrooms.

The idea of togetherness appealed to me - as did the idea of getting drunk - but the idea of sex didn't. I didn't want sex just to be able to say that I did it. I knew I wasn't always a role model but I knew that sex had to be something special. Especially the first time.

That makes me wonder about myself. I set myself boundaries but people make mistakes. Right? Even mistakes as big as mine. Right?...

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