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I spot him just before he vanishes up the stairs. The man wearing a fedora. The one my friends had dared me to make out with. He smirks and gestures for me to follow. His green eyes watch my every move, as though he knew what I was planning to do, and he licks his lips quite slowly. Did he? I normally avoid social gatherings like parties, but I happen to be in a really bad mood. So please forgive me for wanting to snog a hot stranger. Whatever. I bet my entire life you'd tell me to go for it had you seen how sexy he looked in that plain black v-neck. I follow him up not long after Em gives me the telepathic approval. Unlike the other "friends" I'm with, she actually cares about me.

As I walk up the steps, I feel my body get lighter. Am I really going to do this? Go have sex with the hot new boy, Franks, sure that'll fix your problems. But it sure won't change the fact that he's getting remarried. Ugh. I can't believe it hasn't been a month since mom died and he's out hunting for a new wife. Needy much?

Speaking of needy, I hear Niall and one of the Gallagher twins at the first room. Although Niall's my best friend, I can never tell which sister he's dating. I guess fedora boy's at the other room then. I knock two times before I come in. He stood near the window, looking all melancholic. What had this boy experienced to look this sad? We were from the same year, but I felt as though I were gazing at an old man's eyes. It reminded me of Zayn's riveting stare. Zayn. He was my boyfriend. Emphasis on the was. He dumped me for effing Alaska. I'm talking about the place, by the way. No way I'll let him leave me for another girl, although I'm quite sure he wouldn't dare to. He's too sweet to forget, you know. Sigh. Why did I have to have the perfect first boyfriend? No way I can find someone better.

"I bet I'm a better kisser," The fedora boy grins, his eyes turning a darker shade of green. For a moment, my mind drifts towards the border of insanity.

No, Frankie, those are not fangs.

The Devil Wore Fedoras (1D Vampire)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora