Chapter 5

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Marceline's POV

The movie ended just like that. I looked at Finn. He was asleep in my arms. I smiled. I feel comfortable around him but... I'm scared of what people will say about him as a vampire. BMO was asleep too. 

"Lights Off," I whispered.

It was 6:07 am. I closed the curtains and just before I fell asleep, I planted a kiss on top of Finn's forehead, and a deep rest came over me.

 My eyes slowly opened as I awoke from my dream. Finn was already awake, still in my arms. "Marcy? Oh good! You're finally awake!" Finn said. 

"Hehe, yeah. You hungies?" I asked Finn. I didn't eat last night so I was starving. 

"Yeah! Can I have... BACON PANCAKES?" Finn requested. 

"Sure! And I'll have a cherry, strawberry and apple fruit salad!" I said. 

" Why'd you have to tell me what you'd have?" Finn asked me. 

"Because you'll prepare my food while I prepare your's silly!" I laughed. 

"Do I have to?" he whined. 

"Yes. Or no BMO for a day." I seriously joked. 

"Okay, okay. Beat you to the kitchen!" he competitively said. We let go of each other and rushed down my staircase. 

"TIE!" Finn shouted. 

"Gravity Turn Off" I said in unison with Finn. We got lifted up into the air. 

"Which fridge?" Finn asked. I almost forgot that I had 2 fridges to separate our food. 

" Red one. That's where all my food is!" I smiled. He blushed and turned to walk towards the red fridge.

Finn's POV

I opened the red fridge. I took out some cherries and a couple of strawberries until... I saw a packet of animal blood! It was right next to the apples. "M- Ma- Marcy? What's th-this?" I stuttered. 

"Oh! Sorry. I can't eat the color red all the time. Kindly add a touch of the bear blood into the salad!" she said so casually. 

"BEAR BLOOD?!" I shouted, shocked. 

"Oh, um, yeah." she said. 

Holy Glob! I'm kind of afraid that she'll suck my blood. Wait... didn't she already do it? I asked myself as I touched the bite marks. I sighed. 

"What's wrong, hero?" Marcy asked, concerned. 

"I'm just wondering what people would say about me. Jake, the pups, Lady, and most importantly, Peebles!" I cried out. Marceline rushed to my side. 

"Shh, it's ok. You know I'll always be here for you, little adventurer." she whispered. 

She opened the blue fridge after I stopped hyperventilating. I took 2 apples and grabbed the blood. Man, that sounds weird. I looked at Marcy. 

She already started cooking!!

I rushed over to one of her tables and put all the ingredients on to it. I looked at all the food. What do I do?! 

"Get a bowl, a knife, a chopping board and scissors." she said. She read my mind?! 

"Yes." she said. 

"Can you not? Have you been reading my mind all along?" I nicely said. 

"No. Just now." she smiled. 

I looked all over for all the things I need. Oh that's right! I'm a vamp! I can use my powers. 

"No, I'm afraid you can't. " Marceline chuckled. 

I pouted and turned away with a "hmph".  I found everything and started to make the fruit salad. I think you chop the fruits, then put it in a bowl, and then add the *shudder* blood.... I began "cooking". 

Marceline's POV

I was already frying the bacon when I saw Finn preparing my breakfast. It seems weird, but also familiar just like... just like.... ME AND ASH!!! No, no! Me and Finn can't end up like that. We're only friends, right? But, what he said... Oh! The bacon's gonna burn!

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