A little about me

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Name: Mia 

Age: 15

Sexuality: bisexual and if you don't like it go the fuck away

Gender: Gender fluid (feels like a boy or girl depending on the day)

Nickname: kitty or kitten

Relationship status: single

I die my hair a lot 

You can text me whenever even if we have never talked before 

Not always on May take me a few minutes to one day to reply back 

I kinda like school

I'm shy but once you get to know me I'm nice but if you get me mad I'm a rageing bitch

I love making new friends

My birthday in June 

I love my baby brother

My fav Bands are

Black vail brides

One direction

Falling in reverse ect.

I dislike hate a lot

I love my Friends 

I have dyslexia

I don't judge people

And that's me if I think of more I'll edit this page

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