The Storm

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Matthews pov~

The Windows rattled, the branches of trees scratching against them. The wind howling loudly making an eary sound. Palm trees were being ripped out of the ground, debrease blowing across the roads and in peoples yards. The ocean water ripping through town at a fast pace. Nash me and Cameron rushed inside closing the door quickly behind us. We came here to Florida for the Summer Intel we had to go back to Carolina. "Guys this storm is getting really bad!" Nash says worriedly. I went over to the flat screen and switched it on. Surfing the channels for the weather channel finally succeeding in finding it. "Well guys it looks like to me will be getting some crazy storm coming in tonight!" The weather man said. "Turn that up!" Cameron said. Turning it up we listened intently to what the weather man had to say about the storm tonight." It seems to me that will be getting Florida's largest Hurricane tonight. This may last for a couple days folks, so be prepared for the worst!" He says once again. I shut the tv off with a click of the remote groening. "This is so stupid guys! We came here to vacation and have fun. Not to sit around inside for days and wait for a dum hurricane to pass!" I said huffing madly. Cameron patted my head and said. "Hey it will be alright Mickey the storm will be over in no time at all!" I huffed once again and answered back. "Dont call me Mickey i hate when you guys call me that!" Cameron and Nash both laughed, Cameron strode out of the room with his chest puffed out and head held high. I scoffed and roolled my eyes at him. Nash snorted and laughed at me. These two were already getting on my nerves. Why they call me Mickey to this day. Is once maybe One year back we were at Nash's house and he was having a party. And i was drunk out of my mind and was acting really stupid like usual. And then out of the blue i started acting strange and talking to someone but it actually was no-one at all. And i said. "Oh you can call me Mickey!" I said batting my eyelashes and giggling. And later after that night the guys started calling me Mickey. And i asked why, and they told me, i told them to not call me that anymore but they still do. No matter what i do or try telling them to get them to stop calling me that. I looked over at Nash, he was laughing and looking down at his phone. I groaned and through a pillow at Nash's head. "Hey! What did you do that for?!" He asked. "Because i just did so now shut up!" I said rudely to him. "Ah is little mickey mad at Nashy?" He said pushing his bottom lip out and batting his eyelashes at me. I groaned once again and got up and marched up to my room slamming the door. Flopping on the bed i heard Nash laughing at me. Oh he is going to get it! I thought to myself evilly. Just wait and see Nashy poo! Just wait and see.

Hey guys! Hows everybody doing? Lol. Anywhore, why do you think Matthew is acting like that towards Nash? Maybe he was jealous because he was probably texting a girl. And maybe because he has feelings for him..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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