Eliminations (Middle Rounds)

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"Hi, I'm Johann. I just wanted to say you guys did really good." He say's. "Thanks man." Richard says smiling. "You did really good too." Richard adds. "Really? Muchas gracias." Johann say's. "No problem. Oh and this is my brother Yashua, and my girlfriend Y/N" (Yashua nods and Y/N smiles) "Hola mucho gusto." He says to us. "Nice to meet you" I say politely. We continue talking until it's time for all of us to head out.

As we're walking back to the hotel I feel Richard's hand creep up on my waist. I look up at him but he keeps looking straight ahead. I nudge him but nothing. "Baby?" I ask. "Yeah?" He says finally looking down at me. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing. I just have this weird feeling in my stomach, and I don't know why." He admits. I rub his back in consolation. "Think positive babe. Everything will turn out how it's supposed to be. If it's meant to be it'll happen." I say to him. Before I can say anything else he cups my cheeks and suddenly I feel his soft smooth lips on mine. Our lips begin to move in sync and right there in that moment, I realize that I truly love Richard. The past year that I spent with him has been incredible. As we come back for breathe he rests his forehead against mine, looking into each others eyes. "I love you baby. More than I've ever loved." He says. "Wait what? How could you Richard?" Yashua says feigning offense.

*Inside the hotel room*
As we lay in comfortable silence Richard says
"Do you really have to go back home tomorrow babe?" Hugging my waist. "I wish I didn't but I have to go back to school. I'll be back soon though." I say. I cuddle into him getting comfortable to go to sleep. As I'm dozing off I faintly hear him say "Te amo baby."

*Richard's POV*
"Te amo baby." I say to her. But I don't think she can hear me.
Man, this girl is my world. How did I get so lucky to have someone like her in my life? I won't mess this up with her. I can't. She means too much to me.
"Yeah?" I say back.
"Shut up" Yashua says.
"But I haven't said anything?"
"I know. But I was saying shut up to your concious, I know you're overthinking things. Just go to sleep. Everything's gonna be alright." He says.
I don't say anything, I can't. If everything's gonna be alright, then why do I have this weird gut feeling?


"I'm gonna miss you baby. Call me when you land." Richard says.
"I will baby. I promise. Good luck you guys." I say. And after a long kiss on the lips, we part ways.
It's been 1 week since I've seen Richard and Yashua. Speaking of; I have an incoming call from Yashua.
"Y/N" Yashua's voice croaks.
"Yashua?? What's wrong?" I ask frantically.
"I didn't make it through." He say's sobbing.
"Hay Dios mio. Yashua, it's gonna be okay. You'll get through this. We'll get through this. Like I said before you can do covers on youtube." I say.
"I know, I know. But Richard got through and it's hard because we've been doing this since we were toddlers. How am I gonna move on from this? How could they have  just seperated us like that?" He says.
"Yashua, calm down. I know Richard will try his best for you. He won't give up. When he makes it, you'll both make it. I know for a fact." I say.
"Thank you Y/N. You always know what to say. My brother's very lucky to have you." He says.
"Now problem. You know I'm here Yashua." I say. After a while of talking on the phone, we hang up.
*****Richard's POV*****
"We made it dude!" Johann shouts.
"I know dude, I'm happy really, I'm just sad that my brother didn't, you know? We've been doing this since we were in diapers." I say.
"Look on the bright side, when you make it, you'll be able to bring him up with you." He says.
"You're right man. Let me call my girl to tell her the good news." I say dialing her number. But every time I dial it, it says her lines busy. I wonder what she's doing. Maybe she's on the phone with her mom. I know she wouldn't cheat on me, would she?


Uh-oh trouble in paradise? What do you guys think?  Let me know what you guys think about the story so far.

Who saw tonight's episode of La Banda? What did you guys think? I can't believe Johann, Yoandri, and Joel were in the bottom three. To be honest they were in my "Banda". I can't believe Johann was eliminated.

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