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"Wands and brooms and potions alike
Practice well and it shall prove to your delight."

Mourise Farquar is a disgusting old man. Drunk and battered is his only personality. He finds flaws in everything and bosses around everyone but despite the world giving up on him Arabella chose to see his light.
The house wasn't much , the food was too little but it was all she had and it was her home . Arabella might not have grown to love Mourise or Rose but they were the ones who took her little self in and for that she will be eternally grateful. Mourise and Rose were Arabella's adoptive parents they provided her with the only home she's known and clothed, fed and schooled her to the best of their ability. Unlike the prejudice of society her rickety old adoptive parents were not abusive or rude they were simply ignorant.
" Bells, get down here or you'll be late," bellowed Rose .
Oh right ! Today is graduation , a bitter - sweet day for me . The official end of high school and my first jump into the pool of society. The bitter part will be cutting ties and lapping onto different paths from my one and true friend ,Caradina Rosalie Emmelia Shay Mourinho. Yep she's got a long name just like me and as little kids when we got teased about our long Italian names we would stick together and defend each other. With time we grew inseparable and today we would have to leave each other. Cara leaves to Italy today . After high school Cara and her family are going back to Italy to take over the family business. It's because of Cara and her family that I speak fluent Italian to match my apoearence.

We jerked our rickety blue truck into the parking space and paused.
Rose turned around with her red curls bouncing along with her.
" Arabella , we want to tell you something important before we get off. You're 18 now , a mature and responsible adult. 16 years ago we found you at our doorstep and we instantly connected with you . We sincerely care for you and we want you to know that."

"Thank you for that , over the years I too care for you deeply"

This time Mourise turned around. Today he looked fresh and clean . Clean shaven and clean smelling with his beer belly tucked in his pants.

" sweetie, thank you but that's not all.
You're 18 now and you have the right to make your own decisions. 5 years ago we receive a letter from your biological parents.

At this I gasped and my hands flew to my mouth
" what did it say ?"

Rose inhaled a sharp breath at my question

" honey your family were going to take you away from us and we couldn't let that happen cso we lied. We faked a death certificate and said you were dead. After that they didn't contact us again. We just didn't WA to part with you and we're sorry,"she rushed out in one breath

At this point tears pickled my eyes but free flowed down her cheeks. I looked down at my lap and fidgeted with the seems of my dress.

Mourise pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from the car cubby and handed it to me
At this point Rose was uncontrollably sobbing into her husband's shoulder.

I opened up the crumpled paper and the first this I noticed was the pocture inside of my parents. My mother had striking green eyes and raven black hair ,my dad had stormy grey eyes and dark brown hair, they shared the same olive skin tone. I was an exact replica of my father but my hair was as dark as my mother's. I traced their faces and clothing with the tips of my fingers and thought about the many picnics, shopping trips and vacations I missed out on ,a small traitorous tear escapes my eyes . I flip around the photograph and on it the faded ink of my parents names are written.

Elizabeth Maria Victoria Santino
Giovanni Marque Dante Santino

I read the remaining of the letter and made up my decision to the question that Rose and Mourise want but can't ask.
I have decided to visit my parents and make up for the lost time.

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