Alice (0.1)

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You see, my dad wasn't always this cruel to me. We used to have that relationship that every daughter wants to have with their dad, we used to go out for ice cream like every other day, and watch movies and order pizza... but that was when mom was around.

She left us for some unknown reason. My dad has always said it was my fault though and I believe him, it probably was all my fault. Ever since that day my dad has hated me. He abuses me and does things that no one wants to know about. I wish he didn't but, we cant all get what we ask for. I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen before my dad see's me. I pull out a pan to make him some eggs and pancakes and look on the counter. There's beer bottles galore and I know for a fact that after school, there's going to be more and i'm gonna have to clean those up too.

"Your food is on the table.." I spoke softly, approaching him.

"Whatever just leave it, i'll eat when i get finished with my beer." He waved me off.

"Of course you will," I say under my breath as I walk back towards the stairs to my room to get ready for school.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" my father yelled as I was on the first step to my get away.

"Nothing I just said okay." I answer.

I soon regret even telling that lie as I see him stand up from his seat and make his way towards me. He smacks me, making me stumble backwards and hold on to my cheek not even crying, seeing as I always get treated this way by him and became accustomed to it very quickly at a young age.

"Why do you always feel the need to lie to me little girl? huh? This is probably another one of the reasons your mom left us!"

I sit back and let the words sink in.

This probably is why my mom left us.

I am so intolerable she just had to leave and get away, away from me, and away from what used to be a family.Was I really that bad of a child? Was I really that bad that I drove my own mother to leave us? I guess I was she hasn't tried to contact me once since she left us, I mean I wouldn't blame her like i wouldn't want to contact me either if I was that bad.

I look into his eyes like he makes me do while he talks to me and pray that he's done talking soon. I just want to go to my room cover up this soon to be bruise and go to school. Get away from him for a while.

I open up my locker to see that there's another note in there. It's something that happens to me on a regular basis. Everyday someone usually writes an insult and puts it in my locker not caring about how it made me feel.

But I mean who would care?

I just put it in the back with all the other notes. I grab my books that I needed for my first class which is English.

Thank god I'm actually good at that class and don't have to do anything, all I do is sit with music playing from my phone and reading "After" for like the 91738th time I look up when my teacher calls on me to go to the front of the class. I do as I'm told and walk up to her, she gives me a concerned look and pulls me out of the room. I hear giggles and someone say, "she finally got in trouble from being on her phone."

I almost wanted to turn around and say something, but because I'm the loser I am, I don't have that power to do so. I just roll my eyes and walk out in the hallway with Mrs. Jones.

"Alice I'm only asking this for your health, but that bruise on your cheek.."

I freeze and am already making up an excuse in my head knowing I can't lose the one person who takes care of me. He may not be the best caretaker but he's all I have, he's basically my life supporter right now. I can't lose him.

"Oh that," I laugh nervously and almost choke on my words. "That thing I uh- hit myself in the face with my locker? YEAH! That's what happened I hit myself with the locker door!" Way to go Alice... You're such a good liar.

"Are you sure? If there are any problems at home or here at school I would love to help you out.. You're one of my best students and I would hate for you to be getting hurt by someone." I almost believe what she's saying but then realize I can't really trust anyone too much. She is my favorite teacher and all but I don't know her enough to believe her and trust that she won't tell.

"N-no I'm good I just am a really clumsy person yah know. I wouldn't be surprised if I hit myself in the eye next and got a black eye."

"Wow already making up and excuse for when I do get one."

I ignore the comment my conscious made to me and listen to every "encouraging" word she has to say about telling her if something is going on.

"Mrs. Jones I promise I'm fine, can we please go back inside the classroom now?"

She nods and we head back inside. I walk back to my seat in the back of the room and notice my phone isn't in my bag anymore but on the school slut's Lisa's desk instead. That girl has got some nerve. I may be unpopular and a loser and not the most talkative person on the planet but that doesn't give you a right to take my phone. I tap her arm and she looks at me in disgust.

"What the hell do you want?"

She did not just say that to me. She ought get bitch slapped. She's the one that stole MY phone and wants to talk to me that way.. No hunny that's not how it's gonna be today. Although I want to say something to her I bite my tounge and just point to my phone.

She looks at it and sighs in annoyance and throws it at me. Mrs. Jones saw what she had did, actually the whole class did. I didn't even notice they were all staring until I looked away from Lisa.

"Ms. Holmes care to explain why you had Alice's phone or why you felt the need to throw it at her when she asked for it back?"
I just smirk and she looks around dumbfounded.

But that didn't last long when she took one final glance at me and smirked.

Mine dropped knowing she was about to do something that was going to ruin me.. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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