Epilogue/ Short Authors Note.

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As I lay down for bed the later that night, I pull the covers up to my chin and stare at the ceiling. All day, the dream of forgetting my whole life was haunting me, lurking in the back of my mind. It had been so vivid, so real. I hear the water from the shower turn off in the bathroom and knew that Harry would be joining me shortly from his shower. I had put Darcy down for bed and could hear her softly snoring in the next room over. My baby, my sweet, sweet baby that I had not forgotten truly. 

Harry steps out of the bathroom, into our room, wearing only a towel. 

"How was your shower, honey?" I ask, propping my self up on one elbow to take a look at my husband in full view as he slips on a pair of boxers. 

"Like you." He smiles, grabbing a tee shirt and drying his hair. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" I say, raising an eyebrow in question as he giggles. 

"It was hot." He says, and I lean back in bed and laugh as he crawls in beside me.  "You know," I say turning to him, and he slips an arm around me. "You don't have to flirt with me anymore. We are married." 

"Oh but I do." He says, kissing my forehead. We sit in silence for a long while, and I think he is about to fall asleep when I decide to bring up the dream. 

"Baby? Are you awake?" I say softly, not moving. 

"Yes." Harry breaths out, "Is there something you need?" 

"I had a bad dream last night." I say, and he sits up. 

"What about?" 

"I had a dream that I lost my memories. I lost everything, and I had forgotten you, and Darcy, and Liam, and Niall.... Everyone!" I say, my throat stinging and my eyes were filled with tears. The dream had not been trauma filled at the time, but it broke my heart now to think that my brain had thought about such a situation and made me live through it. 

"Oh, My poor baby." Harry said sincerely, pulling me in to him, hugging me, and gently rubbing the back of my head as I cried into his chest. "My sweet baby." He whispers softly. "I'm so sorry that you had a dream like that. It's over now though. You haven't lost us, we are here baby." He says, over and over again. "We are here." 

We stay cuddled up for the rest of the night, and Harry slowly runs his fingers through my hair. As I fall asleep, I can hear him gently whisper the words, "We are here, baby, and we aren't going anywhere." 


Author's note 

Hey everyone! We made it. I know this is a very short story but it took a long while to write, mostly because i wrote in my earlier years of writing and being on watt pad and then I went through and edited it and added things, and currently I am still kind of editing it. 

Thank you all so much for supporting me and sending me love! You all are the best and I couldn't ask for a better group of readers and family on watt pad. 

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this book, it truly means a lot to me. Please check out some of my other books ( Fanfictions, mostly.) I do take requests and ideas for books, I also make covers, do reviews, and I am also an ear to hear you when you need someone to talk to. 

Please, if you need someone to talk to, about anything at all (just to rant, talk about your boyfriend (Or girlfriend :)), or just need a friend, message me. I am here for all of you guys. 

I love you guys, stay strong. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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