Chapter 44: GBF time

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"What about that one. It's 3 bedroom." I pointed on the computer screen.
"I want a bigger place."
"Shay and Colette house is up." He says.
"That's just too weird." I say.
"What about this one. 5 bedroom, 3 bath, perfect."
"I still want to keep looking."
"Ok." He shut the laptop and plugged it in. House looking is stressful.
"Momomom." Levi crawled into the room.
"And who let you out of your crib?" He crawled up the side of the bed. I picked him up and he played in my lap.
"Well we want a room for us, Levi, and 2 guests." I say.
"We both need offices."
"Yeah I Want a mannequin for work."
"That's not too hard to get." He yawned. Levi pulled my shirt.
"I'm gonna get him breakfast." I say.
"I'll be down in a bit." I picked him up and we walked downstairs.
"You were on to something now we're left with nothing at all." Trevor sang as he ate his cereal. He saw me and stopped singing.
"Don't tell Ricky." They are having a contest on who can go the longest with out singing one of their songs. The loser has to do 10 belly flops in the pool.
"It's gonna cost you."
"I'll babysit after school on Wednesdays and Fridays."
"Your giving up your Friday's?"
"Please don't tell him."
"Ok." He shook my hand.
"I would have done it for Thursday." I say. He grinned.
"Pleasure doing business." We laughed. I turned on the tv for Levi.
"No please I can take Micky mouse anymore!"
"M-I-c-k-e-y m-o-u-s-e!" I sang the intro.
"Please it hurts." He covered his ears. I cut a banana up for Levi and put it on a plate.
"Bye." Trevor said.
"Make good choices!" I yelled.
"Sometimes it's so hard to send the kids to school." Ricky says. I laughed.
"Nobody nobody, but you." He sang.
"It's gonna cost you." I say. Yeah, I'm evil.

Word of advice don't take a 11 month old to a bridal store. Caroline isn't the best babysitter, she's a great aunt just lacking in the sitting department.
"Are we saying yes to this dress?" Sandy thought she was funny.
"Haha. But I don't know yet."
"Why are you so picky!?" Mariana asked.
"I want this to be right."
"You look gorgeous." Callie said. She balanced Levi in her legs. He was knocked over 4 mannequins, chewed on a belt and drooled on a silk gown. Yup that's my boy.
"I don't know I kinda like he first one." I say.
"What is wrong with the one you bought?" Steph asks.
"It doesn't watch the new theme." I say.
"What's the new theme?" Callie asks.
"It was black and white, not its winter wonderland."
"I love it!" Mariana says.
"What about the bridesmaids dresses?" Callie asks.
"Im still debating."
"So you are getting new cake and venue?" Sandy asks.
"Yes cake no venue."
"Do you have the money to do this?" Lena asks.
"Yeah, my mom left me money as well as my grandma, plus Kians mother is paying for the bridesmaids dresses."
"We're here, sorry we're late." Tab and Izzy walked in. I've only met them a few times.
"Oh my gosh your gorgeous!" Tab says as she walks up to hug me.
"Thank you." I hugged Izzy and they sat down.
"I think you should get the first one." Callie says.
"Yeah I liked that one." Lena says.
"What did that one look like?" Izzy asked.
"Go put it on." Sandy said. I picked up the dress and walked into the dressing room. I came out in the first one.
"I love it." Tab says.
"I think this it it." Mariana said.
"You think?" I twirled.
"I love it!" Lady yelled.
"Shhh!" Sandy put a hand over her mouth. Crazy how she's 9 now.
"I'm saying yes."

  I got home very exhausted.
"Find one?" Kian asked. I set Levi in the floor and he crawled to his toys.
"Yeah." He hugged me.
"What are you eating?" I asked.
"Ricky made tacos." He says. I rested my head on his chest.
"I'm tired."
"Are you stressed?"
"I'm not stressed."
"I'll Fix you some." He let go and made me a plate. Levi has this new fascination with moving the chairs around the kitchen. He banged his hands on the chair and screamed.
"You hungry too?" Kian set a plate in front of me and put Levi in his high chair.
"Thanks for dinner." I say.
"Your welcome."

"It took forever." I told Connor.
"Then the dress better look good."
"I wish you were there." I say.
"I'm sorry I had a meeting. Big stuff is happening."
"I understand." He, believe it or not was painting my toes.
"Do you know what Levi did?" I asked.
"He knocked over 4 mannequins, chewed on a belt and drooled on a silk gown."
"He's is your boy."
"And to top it off and puked on Callie." He laughed.
"I'm an awful mother."
"You are not."
"Your right it's Caroline. She watched him for 2 seconds and he was gone."
"Now your blaming it on Caroline?"
"Ever since he can crawl he's been a ninja."
"Just wait til he can walk."
"Ugh! He needs to slow down." Kian walked downstairs.
"Ok this is getting too weird." He says.
"What?" We said in unison.
"Your painting her toes." He pointed out the obvious.
"So?" I say.
"He's not even good." He wasn't.
"Back off." Connor told him.
"The last couple of days I've seen you guys reading a cosmos magazine together, making pizza, speaking your feet, and talked about the flaws in Caroline's wedding."
"I can't say those things to her face." I say. We laughed.
"I'm here."
"What if I want to talk about how messy you are or how you overly cuss?"
"Hey." He pointed a finger at me. I stuck my tongue out. He did too. I ended the conversation.
"Did you put Levi down?"
"Yeah." He opened the fridge."
"We just ate."
"I'm fucking hungry."
"Over use of cuss words." Connor pointed out. He laughed.
"Whatever." Kian said. He took a cookie and walked back upstairs.
"So tell me more." He said.
"Ok........" I trailed on.

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