Chappie 3

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With a knock at the door, Zayn jumped up and bolts through the hallway, scaring me half to death, and of course nothing would make these boys run faster than food, or screaming fans. But of course naturally it was food, after paying the man, he came back to join us back in the living room, five large pizzas in his hand, my first thought was that the boys couldn't possibly finish all that plus garlic bread and chicken wings. Oh , how wrong was I. After complimenting them on the extraordinary skills, we all decided to get to know each other a little better, of course I was the clear target here, as none of them knew me, so I was having all sorts of questions shot at me."Where are you from?" Niall asked, "only a 15 minute drive away ,so not too far" I replied with a light chuckle.Of course being with boys, the conversation quickly turned to sex."Are you a virgin" Harry asked, "No I was going out with my ex for nearly 2 years so.." My voice trailed off."Nicee" Niall replied with a wink.I never actuallynoticed it before, but he had the most amazing eyes, they were sky blue, and they shined like the star, I was taken back by them, but I soon ssnapped out of it and laughed at his remark. The game was turning a lot more personal, asking what we liked about sex, and funny situations." Well I've alwways liked biting or kissing of the neck." I started off. Everyone clearly agreed."If you could describe your perfect sex with a film, what would it be?"Niall asked. I have to say that was a weird one to ask, but none the less, I answered "Fast and Furious" I replied, laughing slightly, the boys broke out into histerics, I didn't get what was so funny."Great answer" Harry said.I'm not going to lie, the fact that they found me funny, made me feel a lot more accepted, I actually feel wanted.I decided to ask Harry about the sleeping arrangements, to which he had told me I had my own room.He made NIall show me my room, and take my things for me. So we did, I must say walking up the stairs, I did feel the need to do a little sexy walk, I mean it's Niall Horan for god's sake. 


Wow, she was fit. She had long brown hair, with loose curls.Her eyes, really popped, they were bright blue, she walked ahead of me up the stairs , and I trailed behind her luggage, and there was a lot of it, but it was better by having her bum in my face the whole time, if Harry believed he baggsied her, he better think again, I'm definatly making her mine."So which one?" I was quickly snapped out of my trance by her asking me, what room she was in."Last one on the right" I replied, she opened the door and walked into the spare bedroom."This is a great room, there's a lot of wardrobe space, but I wouldn't use the top draw, it's broken" I informed her, of course , I had always slept in this room, I was here more than I was at home.I like it that way, at home it was just me, and I'd get bored. so I'd walk over her joining Harry and Lou, who were always happy to have me.I broke the draw by attempting to sit in it. I was dared by Zayn during a night of druken madness.

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