Chapter 1 The Beginning

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Bang. Bang. Bang. "Hit 'em hard men!" Yelled the leader of the group of bandits.

"Don't let a single one of 'em survive."

I was to the point of tears. Everything was painted in a bright crimson red. I had witnessed the death of my village. The only ones left were my two elder sibling and me. 'Why?! Why did this have to happen?,' I thought. 'We didn't do anything wrong. So why?!'

Flashback 3 hours ago

Hinata's POV

"Come on Hinata. If you take any longer we'll miss the entire show." Yelled my two older siblings Kyoki and Hiroko from the top of the hill.

"I-I-I'm coming guys." I breathed out. "Gomen guys I didn't mean to slow us down."

"Its ok. It's not your fault you're a little sick." My sister Kyoki said lovingly.

"A little?" I panted.

"She's right though. It's not really your fault." My brother said."You can't really help having a weak body and being slow as a snail or not being able to finish your school work-."

"Wow Hiro, way to cheer her up," Kyoki cut in.

"I'm just saying." whined a tired Hiro. "I really wouldn't want any of us to miss the moon festival since we all get to go together this year."

Oh. Did forget to mention it was the night of the annual moon festival we have in my village. It's a event to celebrate the making of our town on a night just like this one. Where the moon is full and the sky looks like millions of diamonds falling down. Well, today's the day and I just can't wait! I'm finally allowed to get out of that stupid hospital after a year. I didn't get to go last year since I have a serious illness, however, this year is different. Sure I'm only six while my siblings are 8 and 9, but I'm still clever enough on persuading an adult to let me go out when I'm not supposed to.

Time Skip Hour Later

"Are we there yet~?" whined Hiro

"For the hundredth time Hiro, NO!" Kyoki yelled frustratedly.

It had been an hour and yet we still hadn't arrived at the festival area yet. Maybe we had taken a wrong turn.

Suddenly a gunshot was heard through the air.

"What was that?!" chorused both of my siblings. After that single gunshot it got deadly quiet. No one made a move. It was so quiet you could hear the beating of our hearts. Bum bum. Bum bum. All was quiet till...*Grr~*

"Man we should hurry up. I'm starving" smiled Kyoki.

"YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT THAT?!" exclaimed Hiro. "Didn't you hear the gunshot?!"

"Umm, guys. Don't you think we should go the opposite way from where the gunshot came. Not to mention the sudden quietness is getting a little scary and I'm pretty sure we're not even close to the festival grounds." Anxiety was written all over my face when I had said that, though my words fell on deaf ears. The two were too busy arguing to hear my words while my mind was telling me, telling me we should run. Run away fast but, my body was too nervous and the words yelling at me to 'run' wouldn't move me. The palms of my hands were already starting to sweat. I could hear my heart racing. Bum bum. The pounding beat resonated like the sounds of a drum. It was as if I had just ran a marathon around the whole island.

However the silence and arguing was soon interrupted and my nervous thoughts were cut off as a ear splitting scream sounded and it wasn't just one. Several more came after and it ended up sounding like the whole island was screaming. It was like they were being burned alive, experiencing an immense amount of pain.

Rustles were heard behind us. It had startled all three of us. No one dared to move incase it was a wild animal on the prowl for prey. But it wasn't, we were relieved to see it was just our father! That is, until we saw his expression. He seemed to be frightened, worried, and.......angry?

My thoughts were cut short when he yelled at us to get back to our house. We all listen to him and returned home to find our mother standing with our bags and a boat ready for sailing in the clear, blue ocean behind our house.

Our family chose to live in the forest near the ocean so we could have family time without any interferences. We would play in the water almost everyday, just laughing. Sometimes we would invite the townsfolk to come have a barbeque with us. However, this time was different.

We all look at my mother like she was mad. None of us understood what was happen until we saw our father running towards us yelling at mother to get us out of here. With blood dripping down his arms and soaking the front of his shirt our mother didn't hesitate. A few men, about three, in blue and white uniforms came out of the bushes surrounding our home. Father held them back so they didn't get any closer to us. Before we could protest mother kiss each of our heads, told us she loved us and push the boat further into the ocean so that the boat was sailing away from shore.

Time seemed to go in slow motion from then on. Both of our parents were shot and killed right in front of us and yet they both turned in our direction and smiled. The men in blue were soon shot from behind by what look to be mountain bandits.

"MOOOOOMMMMMYYY!!!! DAAAAADDDY!!! NO!!!" I screamed hoping it would somehow help them but it never did.

In the distance I could hear the yells of the bandits. Bang. Bang. Bang. "Hit 'em hard men!" Yelled the leader of the group of bandits. "Don't let a single one of 'em survive."

My brother and sister were next to me, crying there eye out. I would of been to if I wasn't paralyzed by the scene in front of me. We were already far from the island now and I could clearly see the burning flames eating away at our once happy home. All of a sudden everything turned black.


"-tain!...Ca-tian...Captain!!.Captain Hinata!! Wake up. We've arrived." groggily, I get up from my spot at the head of the ship after being awakened from the bloody terrible nightmare. Oh, how I wish it was just a nightmare.

"*yawn* Finally. We've arrived at Sabaody Archipelago."

The pounding of footsteps on the upper deck could be heard as I made my way to the stairs. When I reached the top I could see all members of the crew getting ready to jump off board.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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